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Genome Centres (A)

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This is a list of BioInformatics centres working on the Human (or other species) Genome.
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[info] Agricultural Biotechnology Information Center
[info] ASRI Department of Human Genetics
[info] The Australian Genome Research Facility
[info] Australian National Genomic Information Service (ANGIS)
[info] Australian National University (Molecular Biology)

Detailed information on the above options

Agricultural Biotechnology Information Center
Biotechnology Information Center (BIC), one of ten information centers at the National Agricultural Library of the US Department of Agriculture - ARS.

ASRI Department of Human Genetics
The ASRI Department of Human Genetics was established to develop clinical and laboratory facilities for genetic research.

The Australian Genome Research Facility
The AGRF is an efficient state-of-the-art facility for the collection of molecular genetic information, covering large-scale DNA sequencing, genotyping services and other resources for the genetic and physical mapping of chromosomes, mutation detection and associated bioinformatics.

Australian National Genomic Information Service (ANGIS)

Australian National University (Molecular Biology)

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