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Genome Centres (L)

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This is a list of BioInformatics centres working on the Human (or other species) Genome.
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[info] LANL Center for Human Genome Studies
[info] LaTrobe University Department of Genetics and Human Variation
[info] Lawrence Berkeley Lab (LBL) Human Genome Center
[info] LENS Home Page
[info] LLNL Biology and Biotechnology Research Program

Detailed information on the above options

LANL Center for Human Genome Studies
Aims of the center include assembly of complete high-resolution (0.1 Mb) maps of chromosome 16 and regions of chromosome 5, studies of chromosome structure and function and the isolation of selected genes of interest on chromosomes 5 and 16.

LaTrobe University Department of Genetics and Human Variation
Genetics at La Trobe maintains the greatest breadth of any genetics department in Australia, with research interests which can be categorised as the molecular and quantitative biology of the Australian biota, including a strong program in human biology. To serve its research and teaching priorities, the department maintains the full range of molecular and other genetical techniques. A particular strength is conservation genetic

Lawrence Berkeley Lab (LBL) Human Genome Center

LENS Home Page
The LENS (Linking ESTs and their associated Name Space) database links and resolves the names and identifiers of clones and ESTs generated in the I.M.A.G.E. Consortium/WashU/Merck EST project. The name space includes library and clone IDs and names from I.M.A.G.E. Consortium, EST sequence IDs from Washington University, sequence entry accession numbers from dbEST/NCBI, and library and clone IDs from GDB. LENS allows for querying of I.M.A.G.E. Consortium data via all the different IDs. The I.M.A.G.E. Consortium clones and sequences cDNAs for the public domain.

LLNL Biology and Biotechnology Research Program

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