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Genome Centres (H)

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This is a list of BioInformatics centres working on the Human (or other species) Genome.
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[info] Harvard Walter Gilbert Laboratory
[info] Harvard Biological Laboratories - Genome Research
[info] MRC Human Genetics Unit
[info] HGMP Resource Centre
[info] The Human Genome Organisation (HUGO)

Detailed information on the above options

Harvard Walter Gilbert Laboratory

Harvard Biological Laboratories - Genome Research

MRC Human Genetics Unit
The UK MRC Human Genetics Unit in Edinburgh is currently developing a digital atlas of mouse development and database to be a resource for spatially mapped data such as in situ gene expression and cell lineage. The project is in collaboration with the Department of Anatomy, University of Edinburgh, the Jackson Laboratory, USA and a European Science Foundation Network. A number of documents are online to help you browse through the project. Please use Help if in doubt on how to browse those pages.

Within these pages the gene expression resource is provisionally referred to as GENEX-DB, this title may change.

HGMP Resource Centre

The Human Genome Organisation (HUGO)
The Human Genome Organisation (HUGO) is the international organisation of scientists involved in the Human Genome Project (HGP), the global initiative to map and sequence the human genome. HUGO was established in 1989 by a group of the world's leading genome scientists to promote international collaboration within the project.

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