Tico Ethnobotanical Dictionary


Rabano: Raphanus (S)

Rabano de canarios: Brassica (C)

Rabiatadera: Cyclanthus (C)

Rabo ahorcado: Asterogyne (P); Geonoma (P)

Rabo de caiman: Epiphyllum (C)

Rabo de chancho: Achyranthes (CR); Solanum (CR)

Rabo de chucha: Trichomanes (C)

Rabo de gallo: Carpotroche (W); Geonoma (C); Heliconia (C)

Rabo de gato: Acalypha (CR); Achyranthes (CR)

Rabo de iguana: Byttneria (P); Epiphyllum (C); Piptadenia (C)

Rabo de mico: Cyathea (CR); Morisonia (C)

Rabo de mono: Gouania (N); Hippocratea (C); Setaria (P)

Rabo de puerco: Helicteres (CR)

Rabo raton: Casearia (CR); Parosela (CR)

Rabo de venado: Andropogon (P)

Rabo de zorro: Andropogon (C); Valerianoides (C)

Radish: Raphanus (E)

Rafia: Raphia (C)

RAFTING: Lightweight logs used in making rafts. Cavanillesia, Cocos, Ochroma.

Ragweed: Ambrosia (E)

Raicilla: Cephaelis (P); Psychotria (P)

Raichilla macho: Psychotria (P)

Raigra: Lolium (CR)

Raijon: Eugenia (C)

Rain tree: Pithecellobium (E); Samanea (E)

Raiz: Chayota (CR)

Raiza: Iriartea (C); Socratea (C)

Raiz de chino: Smilax (CR/ROC)

Raiz de color: Escobedia (C)

Raiz de congo: Petiveria (C)

Raiz de pipi: Petiveria (C)

Raiz de resfrio: Scleria (C)

Raiz de resfriado: Dorstenia (C)

Raiz de toro: Melochia (CR)

Rajate bien: Vitex

Rala de gallina: Capparis (CR)

Rama blanca: Gynoxys parvifolia (C)

Ramio: Boehmeria (C)

Ramon: Trophis (N,P)

Ramoncillo: Myrospermum (C)

Ramoon: Trophis (P)

Rampacho: Clusia (C)

Rampira: Carludovica (C)

RANDIA ACULEATA L.: Box-briar (E); Corallero (C); Cruceto (C); Inkberry (J); Maiz tostado (C); Maria angola (C); Palo de Cruz (C); Tintero (C) . The fruits, though medicinal, are edible and are used to make a crude ink. One of many snakebite remedies in Colombia.

RANDIA ARMATA DC.: Crucillo (CR); Limoncillo (CR); Mostrenco (CR); Rosetillo (P). The fruits are edible, also used as a barbasco.

Rangay: Byttneria (P)

Rangayo: Uncaria (CR)

Rangoon creeper: Quisqualis (E)

Rapabalo: Clusia (C)

Rapabarbo: Crysochalamys (C); Tovomita (C)

Rapadura: Chrysochlamys (S); Tovomitopsis (P)

Rapebaibo: Tovomito (C)

Raque: Vallea (C)

RAPHANUS SATIVUS L.: Radish (E); Rabano (S) . The roots, edible raw, are taken with water and sugar for boils (!). Young seed pods are added to soups. The leaves are used as a potherb (!). The seeds are considered diuretic, demulcent, emmenagogic, laxative, and lilthontriptic. Around Medellin, syrups made from radishes are used for respiratory ailments. The leaves are used as cataplasms for bruises, and in infusions for liver ailments.

RAPHIA TAEDIGERA Mart.: Pinecone palm (E); Palma real (CR); Pangana (C); Rafia (C); Yolillo (CR). This plant often forms pure palm swamps near the coast which could be, but are not, tapped for palm wine and sugar. In Antioquia, the fruits are said to be used for making pipes and the leaf rachises for making bows (!). The fronds are used as sails in the Atrato River (!). Around La Nueva, the rachises are used for fish spears.

Raque: Vallea (C)

Rasca: Licania (P); Manilkara (P)

Rascadera: Xanthosoma (C)

Rasga: Senegalia (C)

Rasgarrasga: Acacia (C)

Raspa: Licania (P); Tetracera (CR)

Raspador: Trema (C)

Raspa guacal: Curatella (CR); Petrea (CR); Tetracera (CR)

Raspa lengua: Casearia (P); Conostegia (P); Hasseltia (P)

Raspberry: Rubus (E)

Raton: Rapanea (CR); Roupala (CR)

Ratoncillo blanco: Rapanea (CR)

Raton rojo: Wimmeria (P)

Rat poison: Gliricidia (E)

Rattlebox: Crotalaria (E)

RAVENALA MADAGASCARIENSIS Sonn.: Traveler's palm (E); Arbol de viajero (C). Water in the stems serve as emergency drinking water.

Raya: Serjania (C)

Rayado: Calliandra (C); Inga (C); Xylopia (P)

Rayo: Parkia (C)

Realidad: Briza (C)

Rebanca: Brassica (C)

Recadito: Hamelia (C)

Red berry: Hamelia (E)

Red head: Adenanthera (E)

Red mangrove: Rhizophora (E)

Red manwood: Calocarpum (B)

Redondita de agua: Hydrocotyle (C)

Red pepper: Capsicum (E)

Red taro: Colocasia (E)

Red wood: Platymiscium (E)

Reed: Phragmites (E)

REFRIGERANT: A substance which relieves thirst and reduces fever. Ananas, Basella, Clitoria, Cocos, Commelina, Coriandrum, Cymbopogon, Cynodon, Paspalum, Portulaca, Punica, Scoparia, Spondias, Tamarindus.

Reina del baile: Epiphyllum (CR)

Reina de cagueta: Coryanthes (C)

Reina del Dagua: Miltonia (C)

Reina de la noche: Datura (CR)

Rejal: Solanum (C)

Rejalgar: Solanum (C)

Rejillo: Cuscuta (C)

Rejo: Sweetia (C)

Rejoncito: Ranunculus (C)

Remo: Quararibea (C)

Remolacha: Beta (S)

RENEALMIA AROMATICA Griseb. The fruit pulp is used for flavoring stews. Inland Cuna use it regularly as a foodstuff. The leaves are applied to reduce inflammation. The seeds are emmenagogic. the juice is used to treat hemorrhoids. The aromatic leaves are used by Choco Indians as an underarm deodorant (!).

REPELLENT : A substance supposed to keep bats away. Allium, Petiveria.

REPELLENT : A substance supposed to keep snakes away. Allium, Genipa, Nicotiana, Quassia, Simaba.

REPELLENT : A substance supposed to keep ticks away. Neurolaena, Pothomorphe.

Repollas: Brassica (C)

Repollo: Brassica (S)

Repollo de agua: Pistia (P)

Requeson: Alchornea (C); Cupania (C); Ladenbergia (C)

Resbala mono: Bursera (C)

Reseco: TAchigalia (CR)

Reseda: Reseda (E); Alyssum (C); Lawsonia (CR)

Resina: Oenocarpus (C); Styrax (CR)

Resino: Miconia (CR)

Resuscitado: Hibiscus (C)

Retama: Parkinsonia (S); Spartina (C); Trichilia (N)

Retamo cimarron: Dieffenbachia (C)

Retamo calentano: Parkinsonia (C)

Retentina: Ageratum (C)

Reventadera: Bromus (C); Coriaria (C); Tanaecium (C)

RHABDADENIA BIFLORA Muell.-Arg.: Mangrove vine (E); Clavelito (S) . The lates is reputedly vesicant.

RHEEDIA EDULIS Triana & Planch.: Cero (P); Chaparron (S); Jorco (CR); Sastra (P) . The fruit is edible.

RHEEDIA MADRUNO Planch. & Triana: Cero (P); Fruta mono (P); Jorco (CR); Machari (P); Madrona (C). The fruits are edible, and are supposed to be good for cholera and ictericia. The yellow sap is used for treating ulcers and sores.

RHEUM OFFICINALE Baill.: Rhubarb (E); Ruibarbo (C). Not cultivated in lowland Panama, it is sold in Panama to make a tea for the liver.

RHIZOPHORA MANGLE L.: Red mangrove (E); Ailikinnut (Cu); Mangle colorado (S) . the roots have served as famine food. The leaves make a tea. Dried fruits can be smoked like citgars. Dried leaves are also smoked in pipes. The wood is reported to burn green. Boiled bark yields furniture stain. This species is a honey plant. The bark is febrifugal, expectorant, and antihemorrhagic and enters a folk cure for leprosy. Brown branches are used by Mulatupu Cuna to make fish lines. In the Choco, the mangrove is being exploited for the pulp industry. Elsewhere, it is an important tannin and charcoal source. In Panama, it is being considered for telephone poles.

Rhubarb: Rheum (E)

Rice: Oryza (E)

RICINUS COMMUNIS L.: Castor bean (E); Higuerillo (S); Palmachristi (C); Relajar (C); Ricino (P) . The oil expressed from the seed is a dangerous purgative, used occasionally as a lubricant. Colombian curanderos may poultice the leaves over oil of corozo to treat stomach inflammation and leprosy.

Ridiculo: Calceolaria (C)

Ringworm: Cassia (E)

Rinon: Brunellila (C)

Rinon de oreja: Jacaranda (C)

RIVEA CORYMBOSA Hall.: Batatilla (S). The seeds are used elsewhere as a narcotic. The sap is used to coagulate rubber.

Riverwood: Pithecellobium (E)

Robanchab: Vochysia

Roble: Cybistax (C); Dialyanthera (P); Quercus (S); Tabebuia (S); Terminalia (C)

Roble amarillo: Citharexylum (N); Tecoma (S)

Roble blanco: Licania (CR)

Roblecito: Panopus (P)

Roble de monte: Quercus (P)

Roble rosada: Cinchona (C)

Roble de sabana: Tabebuia (CR,P)

Rocio: Mesembryanthemum (C)

Rockrope: Cissus (E)

Rock sweetwood: Nectandra (B)

Rocoto: Capsicum (C)

Rodamonte: Escallonia (C)

Rodilla de pollo: Boerhaavia (C)

Rojo: Hibiscus (C)

Rodantes: Helipterum manglesii (C)

ROLANDRA FRUTICOSA Kuntze: Niagurgin (Cu). The Cuna take this to improve their mola-making ability (!).

ROLLINIA JIMENEZII Safford: Anona (P); Anonilla (CR); Torete (P); Tusip (Cu). The fruits have a scanty edible pulp. The bark is used for cordage (!).

Romadizo: Siparuna (C)

Romerillo: Hedyotis (C); Hypericum (C)

Romaza: Rumex (C)

Romero: Rosmarinus (CR); Diplostephium (C); Senecio (C)

Romeron: Astronium (S)

Romperropa: Cordia (C)

Ronron: Astronium (CA)

ROOT EDIBLE-COOKED: Plants whose roots or underground parts are edible after cooking or processing. Allium, Anredera, Arracacia, Beta, Calathea, Canna, Chayota, Colocasia, Dioscorea, Ipomoea, Jatropha, Manihot, Moranta, Moringa, Musa, Nymphaea, Pacchyrhizus, Phaseolus, Psidium, Pteridium, Sagittaria, Sechium, Sonchus, Thalia, Typha, Ullucus, Xanthosoma, Zamia.

ROOT EDIBLE-RAW: Plants whose underground parts are edible unprocessed. Allium, Antigonon, Beta, Cyperus, Phragmites, Raphanus.

Rosa de agua: Nymphaea (C)

Roaslilna: Amaraboya (C); Meriania (C)

Rosa laurel: Nerium (C)

Rosa monte: Brownea (P)

Rosary pea: Abrus (E)

Rosa vieja: Lippia (C)

Rose: Rosa (E)

Roselle: Hibiscus (E)

Rose apple: Eugenia (E)

Rosetillo: Randia (P)

Roseto: Xylosma (P)

Rosewood: Dahlbergia (E)

Roso: Brownea (C); Vallea (C)

ROUREA GLABRA H.B.K.: Mata Negro (S). The seeds are used to poison rats and humans. Salvadoran birds called chachas, after eating the seeds are said to be poisonous to man. The stems are used for cordage.

Rower palm: Astrocaryum (B)

Royal palm: Roystonea (E)

Royal poinciana: Delonix (E)

ROYSTONEA spp.: Royal palm (E); Palma real (P); Waa (Cu). Cabbages and fruits are consumed by aborigines.

Ruba: Ullucus (C)

RUBBER SOURCES: Plants whose latices serve to make crude rubber. Castilla, Clusia, Hevea, Plumeria.

Rubber tree: Castilla (E)

RUBEFACIENT: A substance producing redness of the skin. Abrus, Allium, Anacardium, Caesalpinia, Capsicum, Cardiospermum, Clematis, Cocos, Colocasia, Cymbopogon, Drymaria, Echinodorus, Jatropha, Lepidium, Moringa, Plumbago, Ploygonum.

Ruchica: Psoralea (C)

Ruda: Ruta (C,CR/ROC); Zanthoxylum (P)

Ruda macho: Protium (C)

Rudillo: Tagetes (CR)

Rubibarbillo: Rumex (C)

Ruibarbo: Jatropha (P); Rheum (C)

Rue: Ruta (CR/ROC)

RUMEX ACETOSELLA L.: Sangre de toro (C); Vinagrillo (S) . The leaves are eaten as a potherb.

RUMEX CRISPUS L.: Curly doc (E); Vinagrillo (S) . The leaves serve as a potherb. The seeds may be tried sparingly as a grain.

Ruira: Petrea (C)

Runkra: Cedrela (CR)

Ruri: Mammea (N)

Rustica: Mammea (C)

Rutabaga: Brassica (E)


Rye: Secale (E)