Tico Ethnobotanical Dictionary


Gabellon: Phyllanthus (C)

Gachipa: Guilielma (C)

GALACTAGOGUE: A substance increasing flow of milk . Brosimum, Carica, Centropogon, Cyperus, Euphorbia, Faramea, Gossypium, Jatropha, Lepidium, Momordica, Phyllanthus, Portulaca, Ricinus, Sesamum, Trophis.

Galba: Calophyllum (C)

Galbe: Chamaesenna (C)

GALINSOGA PARVIFLORA Cav. Guasca (C); Chipaca (C)

Gallenaza: Porophyllum ruderale (C)

Gallina: Phyllanthus (CR)

Gallina gorda: Annona (C)

Gallinazo: Dipterodendron (CR); Erigeron (C); Hedyosmum (C); Jacaranda (CR); Lippia (C); Pentaclethra (D); Porophyllum (C); Schizolobium (CR,D); Tagetes (C)

Gallincillo: Crotalaria (CR)

Gallinero: Pithecellobium (C)

Gallinilla: Canavalia (CR)

Gallinita: Centrosema (CR)

Gallita: Rodriquezia (C)

Gallito: Aristolochia (C); Caesalpinia (P); Erythrina (P); Gyrocarpus (N); Ochroma (N)

Gallito colorado: Pedilanthus (C)

Gallitos: Tillandsia and other Bromeliaceae: Pedilanthus (C)

Gallos: Tillandsia, etc.

Gallote: Lonchocarpus (P); Trophis (P)

Gallotillo: Elaterium (P)

Gamalote: Olyra (CR); Paspalum (CR)

Ganja: Cannabis (J)

Gaque: Clusia (C); Vallea (C)

Garbancillo: Duranta (C)

Garbanzo: Cicer (CR); Phyllanthus (C)

Garcero: Licania (C)

GARDINIA MANGOSTANA L. Mangosteen (E) . The fruits are edible raw or cooked with rice.

Garden cress: Lepidium (E)

Garden huckleberry: Solanum (E)

Gargoran: Didymopanax (P)

Garibe de pena: Begonia (P)

Garlic: Allium (E)

Garlic wood: Ilex (B)

Garrapata: Alibertia (N); Eupatorium (N); Hirtella (C); Lonchocarpus (C)

Garrapatilla: Peperomia (CR)

Garricillo: Psychotria (P)

Garroche: Quararibea (CR)

Garrocho: Viburnum (C)

Garza: Tabebuia (C)

Gasipaes: Guilielma (C)

Gateado: Astronium (C)

Gateador: Coccoloba (CR)

Gateadera: Lycopodium (C)

Gatillo: Ochroma (N)

Gaulin: Alfaroa (CR)

Gavilan: Engelhardtia (CR); Pentaclethra (N); Schizolobium (CR,N)

Gavilana: Albizia (CR); Neurolaena (CR)

Gavilana-capitana: Neurolaena (CR/ROC)

Gavilancillo: Pithecellobium (CR)

Gazania remarcada: Gazania speciosa (C)

GAZANIA SPECIOSA Less. Gazania remarcada (C)

Gea: Guilielma (Ch)

Genecero: Enterolobium (N)

Genene: Caryocar (C)

Gengibre: Zingiber (S)

Gengibrillo: Paspalum (S)

Genicero: Pithecellobium (CR)

GENIPA AMERICANA L. Genipap (E); Abugui (Cu); Chipara (Ch); Guaytil blanco (P); Jugua (S); Quipara (Ch); Saptur (Cu) . The pulp of the fruits, edible raw, is used to make sweet and fermented beverages and is sometimes pickled with vinegar and onions. The flowers are attractive to bees and the fruits to cattle. Indians paint their bodies black with the pulp. Some Indians paint their feet with the juice, believing that it makes them invisible to snakes (!). It appears to be bactericidal, germicidal, and insect repellent, and may improve the complexion. It is said to be the only medicine capable of flushing the parasitic catfish, which attacks man south of the study areas.

Genipap: Genipa (E)

Genisero: Enterolobium (CR)

Genizaro: Pithecellobium (C); Samanea (C)

GEONOMA CONGESTA H.Wendl. ex Sp. Cortadero (S); Doquidua (Ch). This is the most common thatch palm on the R. Areti (!). Hearts of Costa Rican species are eaten roasted.

Geranio: Pelargonium (CR)

Gherkin: Cucumis (E)

Giant cane: Gynerium (E)

Giganton: Datura (C); Trophis (C)

Gigua: Astrocaryum (Ch)

Gigualti: Genipa (N)

Ginger: Zingiber (E)

Girasol: Helianthus (C); Zinnia (P)

Girasolillo: Dyssodia (CR)

Gitana: Clianthus (C)

GLIRICIDIA SEPIUM Steud. Mother of cocoa (E); Baba (P); Bala (P); Madera negra (P); Mataraton (S); Quick-stick (J) . The flowers of this honey tree are cooked in batter. the seeds, bark, and/or leaves are used to poison rats. The tree is often used for living fence posts (!). The leaves are applied as poultices to bruises, erysipelas, and other sores, and the juice of the leaves is applied as a folk treatment for baldness. In Yaviza, the leaves are boiled with leaves of lemon and escobadoza to form an application for headaches. Rio Sucio Negroes use them for fevers (!). Around La Nueva a leaf infusion is used as a bath for debility. A branch placed in the hat is supposed to relieve the heat.

Globe amaranth: Gomphrena (E)

Gloria de la manana: Ipomoea (P)

GNAPHALIUM ELEGANS H.B.K. Vira-vira (C); Yerba gallinoza (C)


GNETUM LEYBOLDII Tul. The seeds are roasted and eaten by the Choco (!) .

Goa bean: Psophocarpus (E)

Goajire: Parkinsonia (C)

Goatwood: Cassipourea (E)

GOETHALSIA MEIANTHA Burret. Chancho blanco (CR); Guacimo Blanco (P). The fruits are popular with macaws.

Golden shower: Cassia (E)

Golden-spoon: Byrsonima (E)

Golondrina: Alternanthera (CR); Euphorbia (CR,P,S); Polypodium (C)

Goma: Cordia (P)

Goma elemi: Bursera (S)

Gombo: Abelmoschus (C)

Gomo: Cordia (C)

Gomo blanco: Cordia (C)

GOMPHRENA GLOBOSA L. Bachelor's button (E); Siempreviva (P); Suspiro (P) . The plant is regarded as a heart remedy.

GONZALAGUNIA RUDIS Standl. Mentolin (C); Niguita (P); Usiburnu puruiwat (Cu). The white fruits are rarely eaten in Colombia (!). The plant is used in medicinal baths by the Bayano Cuna.

Gonzalo alves: Astronium (E)

Goongo Pea: Cajanus (E)

Gooseberry: Phyllanthus (E)

Goosegrass: Eleusine (E)

Gordura: Melinus (C)

Gorgojero: Cupania (P)

Gorgojillo: Cupania (P); Miconia (P)

Gorgojo: Cupania (P); Miconia (P)

Gorgojo blanco: Cupania (P)

Gorgoran: Virola (P)

Gorreta: Cephaelis (C)

GOSSYPIUM spp. Cotton (E); Algodon (S); Mojofono (Ch); Upsana (Cu). West Indian Negroes tie strings of the seeds around the joints to treat rheumatism. Sap is astringent and pectoral. Seeds can be eaten but should be boiled first as they can contain the poisonous principle gossypol. Raw seeds are considered aphrodisiac, expectorant, laxative, and nervine, and are given for headache. Bayano Cuna cultivate cotton and weave their own hammocks. The roots are considered abortifacient, antihemorrhagic, and emmenagogic. The leaves are used to treat rheumatism among the Chepigana Negroes. Around La Nueva the flowers are used to treat bat bites.

Gota de oro: Galphimia (CR)

Gota de sangre: Euphorbia (C); Clerodendrum

Goterero: Psychotria (C)

GOUANIA LUPULOIDES Urban. Beuco de Rama (C); Jaboncillo (C); Rabo de mono (C) (Fig. 153). The twigs are chewed to heal and harden the gums and to treat sore throat. They were formerly used in making beer. Macerated stems produce a lather. The stems are used for cordage.

Gourd: Lagenaria (E)

Gracena: Taetsia (CR)

Grama: Gynerium (C)

Grama de camino: Panicum (P)

Gramalote: Hymenachne (C); Paspalum (D)

Granada: Punica (S)

Granade de monte: Rourea (C)

Granadilla: Caesalpinia (C); Couroupita (P); Dialium (C); Machaerium (C); Panicum (P); Passiflora (S); Podocarpus (C)

Grandfather's moss: Tillandsia (E)

Granizo: Hedyosmum (C); Pilea (C)

Grana de oro: Solanum (C)

Grao: Pterocarpus (C)

Grape: Vitis (E)

Grapefruit: Citrus (E)

Grau blanco: Pterocarpus (C)

Graveyard flower: Plumeria (C)

Greenbrier: Smilax (E)

Greenheart: Nectandra (E)

Grevillo: Grevillea (CR)

Grosella: Malpighia (P); Pedilanthus (P); Phyllanthus (C,CR); Ribes (C)

Grosella azulada: Clidemia (N)

Grosella de Nicaragua: Phyllanthus (N)

Grosellero: Ribes (C)

Ground coco: Eulophia (E)

Ground cherry: Physalis (E)

Guaba: Phytolacca (C)

Guabayo: Eugenia (C)

Guabino: Enterolobium (P)

Guabo: Quassia (CR)

Guaca: Caesalpinia (CR); Spilanthes (C)

Guacaci: Laetia (C)

Guacal: Crescentia (CR,N)

Guacamaya : Acacia (C); Albizia (C); Basiloxylon (C); Bocconia (CR); Croton (C); Cupania (C); Heliconia (P); Protium (C); Trichostigma (C); Triplaris (C)

Guacamaya pequena: Caesalpinia (N)

Guachamaca: Malouettia (C)

Guachapi: Passiflora (C)

Guachapali: Diphysa (P)

Guacharaco: Cecropia (C); Cupania (C); Matayba (C); Tabernaemontana (C)

Guacharaco de tierra fria: Guarea (C)

Guache: Andropogon (C)

Guachipelin, Guachipilin: Diphysa (S)

Guachivan: Carludovica (P)

Guacimilla : Helicteres (P); Heliocarpus (D); Pavonia (P); Prockia (C)

Guacimo: Bursera (C); Cordia (C); Guazuma (S); Laetia (C); Luehea (CR,P)

Guacimo baba: Apeiba (C)

Guacimo baboso: Triumfetta (P)

Guacimo blanco: Goethalsia (CR,P); Guazuma (CR)

Guacimo colorado: Guazuma (C); Luehea (CR,N)

Guacimo macho: Luehea (CR,N)

Guacimo molenillo or molinero: Luehea (N,P)

Guacimo nogal: Cordia (C)

Guacimo de ternero: Guazuma (P)

Guacimo torcido: Helicteres (P)

Guaco: Aristolochia (S); Eupatorium (S); Mikania (C)

Guacuco: Malpighia (CR)

Guadua: Guadua (C)

GUADUA ANGUSTIFOLIA Kunth. Bamboo (E); Bambu (P); Guadua (C); Guadua manso (C). The canes are used for construction and water troughs. In the Choco they are propagated by cuttings to be used for building materials. Clumps of bamboo along the river indicate human disturbances in Pacific Colombia.

Guadua manso: Guadua (C)

Guagara: Cryosophila (CR); Manicaria (P,C); Sabal (P); Scheelea (P)

Guagara de puerco: Acrostichum (P)

Guagra: Cryosophila (CR)

GUAIACUM OFFICINALE L. Lignum-vitae (E); Guayacan (S); Guayaco (C); . Cultivated in Panama, this is one of the heaviest commercial timbers, and one of the more expensive. An extract and the resin from the wood was formerly used as antivenereal, diuretic, stimulant, and sudorific.

Guaica: Combretum (C)

Guaimarito: Ficus (C)

Guaimaro: Brosimum (C); Pourouma (C); Helicostylis (C)

Guaimero, Guaymero: Brosimum (C); Trophis (C)

Guaina: Urera (C)

Guaita: Trichilia (N)

Guaitil: Genipa (CR); Sickingia (CR)

Guaitil blanco: Genipa (P)

Guaitil colorado: Sickingia (P)

Guajiniquil: Inga (B)

Guajo: Maximiliana (C)

Gualanday: Jacaranda (C)

Gualchapa: Passiflora (C)

Gualola: Polygonum (C)

Gualpite: Xylopia (C)

Gualte: Wettinia (C); Aiphanes (C); Catostigma (C); Iriartea (C)

Guamacho: Pereskia (C); Xylosma (C)

Guamachito: Bumelia (C)

Guamarillo: Pseudosamanea (N)

Guambia: Spigelia (C)

Guamito macho: Brasilettia (C); Caesalpinia (C0

Guamo: Crudia (C); Inga (C)

Guamo blanco: Guarea (C)

Guamo churimo: Inga (C)

Guamo cimarron: Guarea (C)

Guamo machete: Inga (C)

Guamo cimarron: Guarea (C)

Guamo machete: Inga (C)

Guamo macho: Inga (C); Pithecellobium (C)

Guamo mestizo: Hirtella (C)

Guamo mico: Inga (C)

Guamo prieto: Pithecellobium (C)

Guamo rorado: Carapa (C)

Guamuche, Guamuchil: Albizia (C); Pithecellobium (N)

Guamuco: Datura (C); Spigelia (C)

Guanabana: Annona (S)

Guanabana torete: Annona (P)

Guanabano: Annona (P)

Guanancaste: Enterolobium (CR)

Guanancona: Annona (C)

Guanco: Guarea (C)

Guandu: Cajanus (P)

Guangare: Manicaria (C)

Guango: Albizia (C); Pithecellobium (P)

Guanto: Datura (C)

Guapaste: Lonchocarpus (N)

Guapinal: Hymenaea (C)

Guapinol: Hymenaea (S)

Guapinol negro: Cynometra (CR)

Guara: Astrocaryum (C); Coccoloba (C)

Guaracaro: Phaseolus (C)

Guaragoa: Coccoloba (C); Guarea (P)

Guarana: Paullinia (C)

Guarango: Caesalpinia (C); Mimosopsis (C); Senegalia (C); Tara (C)

Guarda rocio: Hypericum (C)

GUAREA MULTIFLORA A.Juss. Cedro macho (D). The wood is favored for rice mortars and pestles (!).

Guarguerones: Antirrhinum (C)

Guaria morada: Cattleya (CR)

Guaritoto: Jatropha (C)

Guarmuche: Albizia (C)

Guarte: Wettinia (C)

Guarumo: Cecropia (S); Pourouma (CR)

Guarumo macho: Pourouma (CR)

Guarumo de montana: Pourouma (CR)

Guarzo: Phaseolus (C)

Guasa: Euterpe (C)

Guasca: Galinsoga (C)

Guasco: Cordia (C); Eschweilera (C)

Guasguin: Diplostephium cinerascens (C)

Guasimilla: Waltheria (P)

Guasquilla: Aspilia tenella (C); Wulffia baccata (C)

Guastomate: Ardisia (CR); Stylogyne (CR)

Guata: Solanum (C)

Guataco: Rauvolfia (CR)

Guataco colorado: Rauvolfia (N)

Guatatuco: Kohleria (S)

Guate-guate: Passiflora (P)

Guatemala: Cosmos bipinnatus (C); Solanum (C); Tigridia (CR)

Guava: Inga (P); Psidium (E)

Guava de casilla: Inga (CR)

Guava machete: Inga (CR)

Guava de mono: Inga (P)

Guava real: Inga (CR)

Guavita: Desmodium (S)

Guavita cansa-boca: Inga (P); Pachyrhizus (P)

Guavito, Guavito amargo: Quassia (P)

Guavo: Inga (P); Pithecellobium (CR); Quassia (CR)

Guavo amarillo: Inga (CR)

Guavo cimarron: Inga (CR; Lindackeria (C)

Guavo dormilon: Parkia (C)

Guavo machete: Inga (CR)

Guavo de mono: Inga (S)

Guavo montana: Pithecellobium (CR)

Guavo peludo: Inga (CR)

Guavo vaina: Parkia (C)

Guayaba: Eugenia (C); Psidium (S); Quararibea (P)

Guayaba agria: Psidium (P)

Guayaba de agua: Psidium (P)

Guayaba arrayan: Psidium (P)

Guayaba de gusano: Psidium (P)

Guayaba de mico: Posoqueria (CR)

Guayaba de montana: Terminalia (CR)

Guayaba perulera: Psidium (N)

Guayaba de sabana: Psidium (P)

Guayabillo: Calycolpus (CR,P); Psidium (CR); Quarraribea (P); Terminalia (D,CR)

Guayabita : Psidium (P); Triplaris (P)

Guayabita del Peru: Psidium (P)

Guayabita rastrera: Psidium (P)

Guayabito: Campomanesia (C); Myrtus (C)

Guayabito de cerro: Grislea (C)

Guabito arraijan: Psidium (P)

Guayabito montana: Calycolpus (P)

Guayabito de monte: Alibertia (D)

Guayabito piru: Psidium (C)

Guayabito de sabana: Psidium (P)

Guayabo: Calycophyllum (C); Eugenia (C); Guettarda (W); Hamelia (P); Psisium (S); Quararibea (W); Ruprechtia (C)

Guayabo alazano: Calycophyllum (P)

Guayabo amarillo: Lindackeria (C)

Guayabo blanco: Brosimum (S)

Guayabo cascudo: Eugenia (C)

Guayabo colorado: Calycophyllum (C); Eugenia (C)

Guayabo hormiguero: Triplaris (P)

Guayabo joveroso: Calycophyllum (C)

Guayabo de leon: Eugenia (C); Terminalia (CR)

Guayabo de leche: Campomanesia (C)

Guayabo macho: Eschweilera (P); Myrcia (C)

Guayabo del mico: Posoqueria (C,CR), Zuelania (C)

Guayabo de mono: Miconia (C)

Guayabo del monte: Terminalia (CR)

Guayabo murcielago: Eugenia (C)

Guayabon: Terminalia (CR,N)

Guayabo negro: Hamelia (W)

Guayabo de parva: Bellucia (C)

Guayabo prieto: Calyptranthes (C); Eugenia (C)

Guayabo sabanero: Psidium (C)

Guayabo volandor: Ruprechtia (C)

Guayabo zancon: Triplaris (C)

Guayacan: Arthrosamanea (C); Bulnesia (C); Guaiacum (C,N); Lafoensia (C); Minquartia (C); Oliganthes (C); Sporobolus (C); Swartzia (CR); Sweetia (CR); Tabebuia (S); Tecoma (C); Vitex (C)

Guayacana: Smilax (C)

Guayacan blanco: Pithecellobium (C)

Guayacan de bola: Bulnesia (C)

Guayacan carrapo: Bulnesia (C)

Guayacan Chaparro: Arthrosamanea (C); Pithecellobium (C)

Guayacan cienaga: Arthrosamanea (C); Pithecellobium (C)

Guayacan coco: Lecythis (C)

Guayacan congo: Andira (C)

Guayacan corriente: Sweetia (C)

Guayacan ensino: Bulnesia (C,CR)

Guayacan jobo: Centrolobium (C)

Guayacan de manizal: Lafoensia (C)

Guayacan negro: Tabebuia (P)

Guayacan polvillo: Bulnesia (C); Centrolobium (C); Tabebuia (C); Tecoma (C)

Guayacan trapiche: Poponax (C)

Guayacillo: Rinorea (P)

Guayaco: Guaiacum (C)

Guayamero: Brosimum (C); Helicostylis (C)

Guayaniquil: Inga (CR)

Guayote: Gonolobus (CR)

Guaytil: Sickingia (W)

Guaytil blanco: Genipa (P)

Guaytil colorado: Sickingia (P)

Guayuyo: Trema (C)

GUAMA ULMIFOLIA Lam. West Indian elm (E); Bastard cedar (J); Cabeza de Negrito (P); Guacimo (C,P) . The green fruits of this honey tree are edible fresh or cooked, and are relished by cattle. They are crushed in water to make a beverage, and to add flavor to meats. The leaves and fruits are eaten by cattle and deer. The bark is used for cordage, and is regarded as sudorific. It is used to treat elephantiasis, cutaneous diseases, and chesxt afflictions. The sap is used to clarify syrup in sugar-making, and was used for food and shaving cream in Colombia. In Darien, the uncooked bark is soaked with malva to drink for afflictions of the kidney and liver (!). In the Pearl Islands, people believe that touching the tree will slow bleeding (!).

Guazumillo: Pavonia (P)

Guerregue: Astrocaryum (C); Guilielma (C)

Guichire: Maximiliana (C)

Guicombo: Abelmoschus (C)

Guijarro: Stemmadenia (CR)

Guilache: Berberis (C)

GUILIELMA GASIPAES Bailey. Peach palm (E); Chontadura (C); Gea (Ch); Ico (Cu); Mantiene-moza (C); Nalu (Cu); Pejibaje (P); Pichiguao (C); Pisba (P); Tenga (C); Urre ; Gea . The fruits are popular all over Panama, cooked with salt. The Choco do not cook it with salt because they believe this will make the fruits on the tree fall off green (!). Yurumanqui Indians obtain salt by cooking the spadix. The fruit has about twice as much protein as plantains, manioc, or potatoes, and is abundant from September through December. The hard wood is used for making bows and arrows. the Borucas make fire with a stick of this on a block of Guazuma. Needles are used in primitive tatooing elsewhere. The cabbage is also quite edible. Guaymis fell the tree in the waning moon, let it lie three days, then take the heart for the preparation of ferments. It is also good for making sweet chichas. The flowers are said to be edible, having the flavor of cauliflower. The seeds are also edible. Salaqui Choco, during their first menses, are not supposed to eat this fruit, or any toothed animal, in the belief it will cause boils and pimples. It is a daily entry among the Choco, especially from January through April. The seeds are planted and trees will bear fruit in 7 years. The fruits and terminal buds are eaten, and the fruits are used to make a beer. Shrimp and catfish are caught in Colombian catangas baited with peach palm fruits or corn.

Guillotilla: Pittiera (CR)

Guime: Anthurium (C)

Guinda: Zizyphus (C)

Guinea: Panicum (CR)

Guinea grass: Panicum (E)

Guinea-hen weed: Petiveria (E)

Guineo: Desmopsis (CR); Musa (S); Panicum (C); Sapranthus (CR)

Guino: Carapa (C)

Guirache: Syagrus (C)

Guisante: Pisum (S)

Guisaro: Psidium (CR)

Guisero: Psidium (CR)

Guisjoche: Bourreria (CR)

Guitil: Stemmandenia (CR)

Guitite: Acnistus (CR)

Guizaro: Psidium (CR)

Gully-root: Petiveria (E)

Gulupo: Passiflora (C)

Gum arabic: Acacia (E)

Gumbo: Abelmoschus (E)

Gumbolimbo: Bursera (E)

Guna: Warscewiczia (D)

Gungo pea: Cajanua (J)

Gurak: Vismia (CR)

GURANIA WAGNERIANA Cogn. Vitoria (C). Ya-te-vi ulcers are treated with pulverized leaves of this species.

Gurapo: Delostoma (C)

Gusanero: Astronium (C)

Gurgurus: Cochlospermum (C)

Gusanillo: Parosela (CR); Piper (P)

Gusano: Acalypha (C)

GUSTAVIA NANA Pittier. Membrillo (C,P); Paco (C). The fruits, eaten raw or cooked, are also made into chichas (!).

GUSTAVIA SUPERBA Berg. Chupo (C); Membrillo (C,P); Paco (C); Tupu (Cu) . Decoctions of the leaves are said to have saved many conquistadors wounded with poisoned arrows. Eaten raw or cooked, the pulp is used like grease to cook rice.

Gu-tse: Ficus (CR)

Gutta-percha: Mimusops (E)

GYNANDROPSIS SPECIOSA DC. Aleli calentano (C); Caracol (C). Elsewhere the leaves are used as a vegetable.

GYNERIUM SAGITTATUM P.Beauv. Giant cane (E); Canabola (C); Cana blanca (S); Cana flecha (C); Carrizo (C); Chia (Ch); Chulquin (C); Chusque (C); Lata (C); Masar (Cu); Pindos (C); Zuza (C). Gynerium is very important in the construction of native huts, especially the walls in Darien, Choco, and San Blas (!). In Colombia, it is occasionally cultivated as a construction material, as a combustible, and for use in weaving. Giant cane houses are said to last for 200 years in xeric environments. Roots are diuretic, and are used for alopecia. The flower stalks, known as viruli, are used for arrows, spears, etc. (!).

GYNOXYS PARVIFOLIA Cuatr. Rama blanca (C)