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Basic Fruit Types-2

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Berries are Indehiscent & have a fleshy or leathery Exoxarp, Mesocarp and Endocarp. The Ovaries can be superior or inferior. Those with Inferior Ovaries may be called "False Berries"

Grapes-300.jpg (94070 bytes)
Grapes (Vitis): The Classic Berry

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Passion Fruit
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Bell Peppers
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Deadly Nightshade - A Berry to fear!
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Orange  &   Citron
These have leathery Pericarps. The "Juice Sacs" are trichome-like structures produced by the Endocarp.

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PapayaFruMacroLS.jpg (80961 bytes)
 GuavaGreenFruit.jpg (43654 bytes)

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