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Basic Fruit Types

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The two principal Fruit Types are Fleshy & Dry!!!!

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However, some caution is advised. A Legume is a dry fruit. We eat unripe legumes like Snow Peas and Green Beans. We might classify the latter as fleshy fruits but they are dry at maturity!!

Dry Fruits are either Dehiscent or Indehiscent. Dehiscent Fruits open at maturity while
Indehiscent Fruits  do not!

Fruits may be Simple or Accessory.

Simple Fruits are Mature Carpels.

Accessory Fruits include the Carpels PLUS other tissues.
The latter may be other Floral Organs or the Receptacle.

Aggregate Fruits contain Many Simple Carpels from ONE FLOWER

Multiple Fruits contain the Fruits of MANY FLOWERS.

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