WB01343_.gif (599 bytes)   Student Macro Photos   WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)

The Photos immediately below were taken with

[A] 50 mm Macro Lens Fully exerted,
[B] 50 mm Macro plus Diopter Filter &
[C] B + 2X Tele Extender.

They were taken on a Copy Stand under fiber optic illumination.

VioletMacro.jpg (48031 bytes)
VioletMacroplus.jpg (115655 bytes)
VioletMacroplusPlus.jpg (122193 bytes)

The series of macrophotos below were taken over the entire range of f-stops. The goal was to illustrate how f-stops affect the depth of focus. The two extreme photos (f-32 vs f-4) are displayed. Every attempt was made to process the exposures in the same way.

They were taken on a Copy Stand under fiber optic illumination.

Comp29EnLarg500Tone20ModLab.jpg (98985 bytes)
Comp18EnLarg500Tone20Lab.jpg (106432 bytes)
Photo A was taken at f-32, B was taken at f-4. .Note that the bud in the background, the Disk Flowers in the center and the Ray Flowers below are in better focus with A compared to B
Comp18-29ModLabConpare.jpg (186441 bytes)
Which is A & B????

WB01343_.gif (599 bytes)                 WB01344_1.gif (644 bytes)               WB01345_.gif (616 bytes)

Link to Basic Camera Tutorial   VioletMacroplusPlus.jpg (122193 bytes)