Era and Duration Period Epoch Began
(millions of years ago)
Principal Events of the Era

65 million yrs
Quaternary Recent
(11,000 yr)
Age of humans; end of last ice age; warmer climate. First human societies; large-scale extinctions of plant and animal species; repeated glaciation
Tertiary Pliocene 5 Appearance of hominids; volcanic activity; decline of forest; grasslands spreading; cooling; glaciation.
Miocene 25 Appearance of anthropoid apes; rapid evolution of mammals; formation of Sierra Mountains spread of grasslands.
Oligocene 36 Appearance of most modern genera of mammals and monocotyledons; warmer climate.
Eocene 54 Appearance of hoofed mammals and carnivores; heavy erosion of moutains.
Paleocene 65 First placental mammals.

160 million yrs
Cretaceous 135 Appearance of monocotyledons; oak and maple forests; first modern mammals; beginning of extinction of dinosaurs; formation of Andes, Alps, Himalayas, and Rocky Mountains.
Jurassic 181 Appearance of birds and mammals; rapid evolution of dinosaurs; first flowering plants; shallow seas over much of Europe and North America
Triassic 220 Appearance of dinosaurs; gymnosperms dominant; extinction of seed ferns; continents rising; desert conditions.

360 million yrs
Permian 280 Appearance of cycads; widespread extinction of animals; widespread glaciation; mountains rising; atmospheric carbon dioxide and oxygen reduced.
Carboniferous 345 Appearance of reptiles; amphibians dominant; insects arise. Gymnosperms appear; vast forests; great life abundant. Climates mild, warm, and humid; low-lying land; extensive swamps; formation of enormous coal deposits. Many sharks and amphibians; large-scale trees and seed ferns.
Devonian 405 Appearance of seed plants; ascendance of bony fishes; first amphibians; small seas; higher, drier lands; glaciation.
Silurian 425 Atmospheric oxygen reaches second critical level. Explosive evolution of many forms of life over the land: first land plants and animals. Great continental seas; continents increasingly dry.
Ordovician 500 Appearance of vertebrates, but invertebrates and algae dominant. Land largely submerged; warm climates worldwide.
Cambrian 600 Atmospheric oxygen reaches first critical level. Explosive evolution of life in the oceans; first abundant marine fossils formed; trilobites dominant; appearance of most phyla of invertebrates. Low-lying lands; climates mild.

2900 million yrs
3500 Life confined to shallow pools; fossil formation extremely rare; mountain building, erosion, and glaciation. Photosynthetic life.

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