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Stems I

Stems vary in structure and may be classified into types such as woody vs. herbaceous. This classification is artificial, because there is no sharp line of demarcation between these two, and sometimes the differences are of a purely quantitative kind. The chief differences between stems are based on the spatial relationship between the vascular and nonvascular tissues, and by the relative amounts of secondary growth.

Stems are more complex in structure than roots mainly because of the complexity of the primary vascular system. This is due to the fact that several vascular bundles may diverge into the leaves. These bundles which are outside of the central ring of vascular bundles are called leaf traces. The size and complexity of leaves is correlated with the complexity of the vascular system in the stem. This lab will consider stems which trace their origin directly to the apical meristem. This is known as primary growth. Some plants stop growing at this point but others many continue to grow due to the activity of lateral meristems. This type of growth is called secondary.

During secondary growth the resemblance between roots and stems increases as the secondary xylem and phloem of roots and stems show many similarities.

Apical Meristems of Vegetative Shoots

Gross characteristics of shoot tips. We canElodeaSAMLowMag.jpg (28319 bytes) study fresh preparations of shoot tips from Elodea, Artocarpus (breadfruit), Ficus, Apium (celery) or Coleus species.

This reveals the uppermost region of tissue initiation called the apical meristem and the subtending zone of leaf initiation.

These are collectively known as the shoot tip. The uppermost leaves are called primordia because they do not possess leaf-like morphology. More well developed leaves can be seen in the basipetal direction (basipetal = away from & towards the base).

Depending on the species, the primordia are arranged spirally, in pairs or in whorls. They appear close to one another because the internodes are not yet extended in the youngest portion of the shoot.

The Apical Meristem and the Origin of Tissues

Commercial longitudinal sections of shoot tips illustrate the beginning of tissue differentiation beneath the apical meristem.

The following tissues and structures may be distinguished:

1. apical meristem;    

leaf primordia;    3. protoderm;

                     4. procambium; 5. ground (rib) meristem;

6. axillary buds

The term Rib Meristem is applied to Ground Meristem which produces the Pith. It is characterized by transverse divisions which produce very orderly cell files. The Ground Meristem that produces the Cortex is not always easy to pinpoint. In my mind both are Ground Meristem but you should understand the term Rib Meristem.

Species with opposite leaves, such as Coleus are particularly convenient for the study of apical differentiation.

It is not possible to see all of these features in one shoot tip. Examine the illustrations below to help you identify the major regions and structures in the shoot tips we have displayed in the lab.

Shoot Tip with prominent Rib Meristem

Organization of Shoots Apical Meristems
(demonstration slides).

Apical Meristems with Apical Cells

Apical meristem with a single Apical Cell: Equisetum (horsetail) Seed plants have multicellular apical meristems. However, non-seed plants like ferns can have a large Apical Cell which acts as the source of all cells.


Shoot Apex with Leaf Primordia

Apex with prominent Apical Cell

Apical Meristems with Tunica-Corpus Organization.

The tunica, is one or more superficial layers that show only anticlinal (perpendicular to the surface) divisions.

The corpus is a group of cells covered by the tunica. The corpus is characterized by divisions in many planes. This adds volume to the stem as its derivatives enlarge.

The actual number of tunica layers is not always clear. It will be sufficient to discern meristems with One or Several tunica layers.

The corpus can also be hard to delimit. However, when there is a prominent rib meristem, the corpus is circumscribed.

Forsythia SAM

SAM with Three Tunica Layers

Apical Meristems with Cytohistological Zonation.

The terms cytohistochemical zonation mean that different groups of cells (cyto) respond in a distinct way to various stains (histochemical) .

Gymnosperms like Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria) best exemplify this type of apical meristem. The zonation seen in some plants is due to differences in the staining density of the cells and in perceived patterns of cell division. There are a large number of terms which are used to describe different zones in these meristems. The basic feature of these meristems is the presence of central mother cells. These are centrally located at the summit of the SAM, and include parts of the tunica and corpus. The cells are larger and more vacuolate than the surrounding meristematic cells. Consequently, they stain lightly compared to their neighbors. Finally, they seem to divide infrequently. The overall organization has a tunica and corpus.

Dicot Stems

Dicot stems usually have one ring of vascular  tissue in stems. The vascular cylinder is usually composed of individual vascular bundles.

Secondary vascular development is limited or absent in Helianthus. However, the vascular cambium may spread to the interfascicular areas. The fascicular and interfascicular cambia can unite and form a continuous ring which produces cylinders of secondary xylem and phloem. The primary xylem is displaced by the secondary xylem and is pushed into the pith.

The pith is composed of parenchyma cells.

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Widelia Stem stained with Phloroglucinol
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Widelia Stem stained with Phloroglucinol & viewed with crossed Polarizers

Cross section of Coleus stem stained with Phloroglucinol

Monocot Stems

Sugar Cane Stem stained with Phloroglucinol

Sugar Cane Stem seen with Crossed Polarizers

How does the arrangement of vascular bundles compare with dicot stems?

Are the bundles collateral, bicollateral, amphivasal or amphicribral?

Cross Section of Makaloa stem: Note the widely distributed Vascular Bundles

Makaloa stem stained with Toluidine Blue

Note the widely distributed vascular bundles. This is similar to bamboo and sugar cane.

Sugar Cane Vascular Bundle stained with Toluidine Blue

Makaloa Vascular Bundles stained with Toluidine Blue

Air cavities are present in Makaloa which is a semi-aquatic plant. What term is used to describe tissue like this?

Makaloa used to make mats for the Hawaiian ali’i.

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Piece of a Makaloa Mat displayed at the Bishop Museum: The symbol means hale (house)
The whole stem was used to weave the mats.

The mats have a smooth & spongy quality which makes them good for sleeping.
What anatomical features of makaloa account for the above qualities?

Taro (kalo) [Colocasia esculenta] is one of the principal food crops of Hawaiians. They use the starch rich stem of mature plants to make poi.

Is this plant a dicot or a monocot?

Cross section of a young kalo stem: The area indicated by the box is shown at higher magnification below.

Intercalary Meristems

Many monocots have Intercalary Meristems. Intercalate means to insert between. In this case a meristematic layer occurs BETWEEN the Node and the Apical Meristem.

The Apical Meristem produces a small number of derivative cells towards the base. Those closest to the apical meristem enlarge and differentiate. Those more distal continue to divide and produce derivatives towards the apical meristem. This is the Intercalary Meristem.

These occur just above the nodes and function for a limited period and are thus said to be determinate. They are similar to the basal meristem which produces the strap like leaves of monocots. These are responsible for the re-growth of grass after it is mowed!

Node-Internode of Equisetum: Follow the Cell Files from Bottom to Top (Acropetally)

Embossed Images of Equisetum Node-Internode

Vascular Bundle Types

Vascular bundles are classified according to the spatial relationships of their xylem and phloem.

Collateral bundles (Widelia, Helianthus, Coleus, Saccharum, and Cyperus) have Xylem on one side and Phloem on the other side.

Bicollateral bundles (Cucurbita) have phloem on both sides of the xylem.

Concentric: There are two types of concentric bundles

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Amphicribral Bundle stained with Phloroglucinol

Amphicribral Bundle stained with Toluidine Blue

Amphivasal Bundle with commercial staining

Nodal Anatomy

The study of nodes reveals the association between the vascular system of the stem and the vascular bundles of the leaves. The part of a vascular bundle in the stem that diverges from the vascular cylinder and enters the leaf is called leaf trace. In the location where the leaf trace is bent towards the leaf, a relatively wide parenchymatous area appears in the vascular cylinder of the stem. This area is the leaf gap. Different plants have different numbers of leaf traces per leaf and different number of leaf gaps per node.

Finally!!!!!!!! Now that you understand leaf gaps at the macroscopic level, consider them at the microscopic level in the region of the apex where leaves are initiated!!!!
NO!!!! No!!!! I can’t stand any more!!

Remember that the procambium forms a complete circle above the level of leaf initiation in some shoot apices.

The circle becomes interrupted as leaves are formed and develop.

These interruptions are leaf gaps.

The dissected vascular cylinders of dicots arise in this fashion.