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Genome Centres (C)

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This is a list of BioInformatics centres working on the Human (or other species) Genome.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

[info] Caltech Genome Research Laboratory
[info] Cavalli Lab
[info] CBA-IST (Genoa)
[info] CBIL at Pennsylvania University
[info] CBR-RBC (Canadian Bioinformatics Resource)
[info] The Center for Biological Sequence Analysis (CBS)
[info] The Center for Biological Timing
[info] Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia (CNB)
[info] CEPH (Fondation Jean Dausset)
[info] Chinese EMBNet National Node, Centre of BioInformatics, Peking University
[info] Cold Spring Harbor Labs
[info] Columbia University Human Genome Project
[info] Cooperative Human Linkage Center (CHLC)
[info] CSMC Molecular Genetics Labs

Detailed information on the above options

Caltech Genome Research Laboratory

Cavalli Lab
The Human Population Genetics Lab headed by Professor L.L. Cavalli-Sforza of the Department of Genetics, Stanford University, is a center for generating, collecting, storing, disseminating, and analyzing genetic data on the great human diaspora. This page contains information about the members of the Cavalli Lab and about their activities, including preprints, abstracts, and bibliographies.

CBA-IST (Genoa)

CBIL at Pennsylvania University
The Computational Biology and Informatics Laboratory creates and maintains software and databases for computational biology. They specialize in database integration and human chromosome 22 databases. An active research program is maintained, concentrating on biological databases, genome informatics, and linguistic sequence analysis.

CBR-RBC (Canadian Bioinformatics Resource)
CBR-RBC offers access to the major bioinformatics software and databases for academic use in Canada. Services include:

Secure shell (ssh) and ftp access to

The Center for Biological Sequence Analysis (CBS)
The CBS conducts basic research in bioinformatics, a rapidly growing area in the field of molecular biology. The overall goal of the research is to obtain knowledge of a limited part of the information processing which takes place in the cell: the complex relations between sequence composition - the content and order of the chemical building blocks - and macromolecular structure and function. In addition, the research is aimed at creating entirely new possibilities in the study of evolutionary processes by comparison of sequence patterns across species.

The Center for Biological Timing
The Clock Genome Project at the Center for Biological Timing brings together a spectrum of researchers from universities around the country united by their desire to answer two fundamental questions. What are the constituent parts of the biological clock? And how do they work together to create a circadian rhythm?

Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia (CNB)

CEPH (Fondation Jean Dausset)
The Centre d'Etudes du Polymorphisme Humain (CEPH) is a research laboratory created in 1984 by Professor Jean Dausset (Nobel Prize, medicine and physiology, 1980). This laboratory constructs maps of the human genome.

Chinese EMBNet National Node, Centre of BioInformatics, Peking University

Cold Spring Harbor Labs

Columbia University Human Genome Project

Cooperative Human Linkage Center (CHLC)
The goal of the Cooperative Human Linkage Center is to develop statistically rigorous, high heterozygosity genetic maps of the human genome that are greatly enriched for the presence of easy-to-use PCR-formatted microsatellite markers.

CSMC Molecular Genetics Labs
The Molecular Genetics Laboratories at Cedars-Sinai Research Institute are headed by Dr. Julie R. Korenberg.

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