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References on KEGG

  1. Kanehisa, M.; Toward pathway engineering: a new database of genetic and molecular pathways. Science & Technology Japan, No. 59, pp. 34-38 (1996). [pdf]
  2. Kanehisa, M. and Goto, S.; A systematic analysis of gene functions by the metabolic pathway database. In "Theoretical and Computational Methods in Genome Research" (Suhai, S., ed.), pp. 41-55, Plenum (1996).
  3. Ogata, H., Bono, H., Fujibuchi, W., Goto, S., and Kanehisa, M.; Analysis of binary relations and hierarchies of enzymes in the metabolic pathways. Genome Informatics 7, 128-136 (1996). [GIW96014] [pdf]
  4. Goto, S., Bono, H., Ogata, H., Fujibuchi, W., Nishioka, T., Sato, K., and Kanehisa, M.; Organizing and computing metabolic pathway data in terms of binary relations. Proc. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing '97, pp. 175-186 (1996). [9390290] [pdf]
  5. Kanehisa, M.; A database for post-genome analysis. Trends Genet. 13, 375-376 (1997). [9287494]

References on DBGET/LinkDB

  1. Akiyama, Y., Goto, S., Uchiyama, I., and Kanehisa, M.; WebDBGET: an integrated database retrieval system which provides hyper-links among related entries. MIMBD'95: Second Meeting on the Interconnection of Molecular Biology Databases (1995). [pdf]
  2. Goto, S., Akiyama, Y., and Kanehisa, M.; LinkDB: a database of cross links between molecular biology databases. MIMBD'95: Second Meeting on the Interconnection of Molecular Biology Databases (1995). [pdf]
  3. Kanehisa, M.; Linking databases and organisms: GenomeNet resources in Japan. Trends Biochem Sci. 22, 442-444 (1997). [9397687]
  4. Fujibuchi, W., Goto, S., Migimatsu, H., Uchiyama, I., Ogiwara, A., Akiyama, Y., and Kanehisa, M.; DBGET/LinkDB: an Integrated Database Retrieval System. Proc. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing '98, in press (1997). [pdf]

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