IAPT - International Association for Plant Taxonomy

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The IAPT was founded in 1950 to carry out projects of interest and concern to systematic botanists which require or profit from international cooperation. By 1997, for example, no less than 134 volumes of the series Regnum Vegetabile had been published, including such well-known titles as the numerous editions of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, the Index Nominum Genericorum, Taxonomic Literature (two editions), and Index Herbariorum (pt. 1 and 2). In addition, four issues of the journal Taxon are published each year, the annual volume presently consisting of c. 1000 pages.

IAPT is responsible for the establishment and functioning of inter-Congress nomenclature committees and for the organization and execution of the nomenclature sessions at each International Botanical Congress.

In addition to Taxon and other obvious benefits of membership, current volumes of the Regnum Vegetabile series are available to members at reduced prices. The back covers of the journal carry information on recently published titles and a brochure, obtainable from the IAPT secretariat, lists those volumes still in print.

Membership may be obtained by submitting a printout of the form, with a cheque for the appropriate amount made payable to the IAPT and sent to the following address: IAPT, c/o BGBM Berlin-Dahlem, Königin-Luise-Str. 6-8, D-14191 Berlin, Germany. (It is requested that payments be made in U.S. dollars, drawn on a U.S. bank. However, facilities are provided to pay in Swiss francs by credit card (please specify below) or to an account in Geneva, and regional treasurers for Japan and U.K. also exist (please enquire).)

The schedule of membership fees is as follows:

Regular Personal: US $ 48.00 per year

Family Personal: US $ 2.00 per year
(Only for spouses of regular members; all membership rights but no subscription to "Taxon".)

Life Regular Personal: US $ 720.00
(A one-time payment irrespective of previous years of membership.)

Life Family Personal: US $ 30.00
(A one-time payment irrespective of previous years of membership; only for spouses of life regular  members; all membership rights but no subscription to "Taxon".)

Regular Institutional: US $ 144.00 per year
(Receive "Taxon" and some volumes of the "Regnum Vegetabile" series free of charge. One copy of  all other volumes published in the year for which the membership fee has been paid can be bought  at 50% discount.)

Supporting Institutional: US $ 216.00 per year
(Receive "Taxon" and all volumes of "Regnum Vegetabile" published in the year for which the  membership fee has been paid, free of charge.)  

IAPT - Main menu | The Association | Taxon | Nomenclature | Regnum Vegetabile | Projects

© by International Association for Plant Taxonomy. WWW-Editor
Effective publication date: 13 August 1998