URL of this page: http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/precursors/precur14.html

Darwin's Precursors and Influences


Copyright © 1996-1997 by John Wilkins

Acknowledgements are due to the following participants on the Darwin-L mailing list where common descent was discussed and who I am paraphrasing: Paul Nelson, Sander J Gliboff, Professor Jean J Menier, Ellery Lanier; and Paul Gallagher, who provided details of Erasmus Darwin's views. Elmer Bataitis sent me excerpts from his notes from Zoonomia. William Brindley started this off by discussing Patrick Matthew's views with me. Helpful comments were also made by Ron Amundson, who noted some potentially misleading statements regarding Mendel, Owen and Chambers. All remaining mistakes and omissions are therefore mine.

Further comment and advice was received from Peter Lamb, Jim Foley and Cosma Shalizi, who provided the information regarding Aristotle and Empedocles on 'natural selection'.

I must also here make mention of the encouragement and enthusiasm of David Rindos, who died in December 1996, and whose work will be remembered long after the abuse he suffered at the hands of the University of Western Australia is forgotten. Vale, Dave.




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