Botanik online 1996-2004. Die Seiten werden nicht mehr bearbeitet, sie bleiben als historisches Dokument der botanischen Wissenschaft online erhalten!

JULIUS v. SACHS (1832-1897)

Founder of the experimental approach to plant physiology. Inventor and constructor of numerous devices for the study and quantitative analysis of plant physiological processes. Author of several standard works, like "Lehrbuch der Botanik" (A textbook on botany; 1. to 4. edition: 1868, 1870, 1873, 1874), "Vorlesungen über Pflanzenphysiologie" (Lectures on Plant Physiology; 1882, 1887), "Geschichte der Botanik" (A History of Botany; 1875). The illustrations of his work remain until today a definite part of botanical textbooks. After Prague, Tharandt (near Dresden), Bonn and shortly also Freiburg became Würzburg his most important domain (university library of Würzburg)

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