Web Server Statistics for /www.biologie.uni-hamburg.de

Program started at Mon-04-Mar-2002 00:01.
Analysed requests from Sun-03-Mar-2002 00:00 to Mon-04-Mar-2002 00:00 (1.00 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report contains overall statistics.

Successful requests: 26,375
Average successful requests per day: 26,374
Successful requests for pages: 24,586
Average successful requests for pages per day: 24,585
Failed requests: 1,047
Redirected requests: 186
Distinct files requested: 9,181
Distinct hosts served: 5,128
Unwanted logfile entries: 51,766
Data transferred: 288.419 Mbytes
Average data transferred per day: 288.419 Mbytes

Monthly Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the activity in each month.

Each unit (+) represents 600 requests for pages or part thereof.

   month:  reqs: pages: 
--------: -----: -----: 
Mar 2002: 26375: 24586: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Busiest month: Mar 2002 (24,586 requests for pages).

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each day of the week, summed over all the weeks in the report.

Each unit (+) represents 600 requests for pages or part thereof.

day:  reqs: pages: 
---: -----: -----: 
Sun: 26373: 24584: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Mon:     2:     2: +
Tue:     0:     0: 
Wed:     0:     0: 
Thu:     0:     0: 
Fri:     0:     0: 
Sat:     0:     0: 

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the total activity for each hour of the day, summed over all the days in the report.

Each unit (+) represents 40 requests for pages or part thereof.

hour: reqs: pages: 
----: ----: -----: 
   0: 1079:   994: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
   1: 1510:  1452: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   2: 1302:  1250: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   3:  457:   435: +++++++++++
   4:  362:   353: +++++++++
   5:  415:   395: ++++++++++
   6:  429:   406: +++++++++++
   7:  420:   400: ++++++++++
   8:  476:   439: +++++++++++
   9:  676:   647: +++++++++++++++++
  10:  632:   583: +++++++++++++++
  11: 1065:  1020: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  12: 1857:  1781: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  13: 1389:  1335: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  14: 1582:  1422: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  15: 1346:  1245: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  16: 1600:  1485: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  17: 1635:  1527: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  18: 1742:  1565: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  19: 1557:  1446: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  20: 1626:  1512: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  21: 1161:  1039: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  22: 1185:  1045: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  23:  872:   810: +++++++++++++++++++++

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the countries of the computers which requested files.

Listing domains, sorted by the number of requests.

 reqs: %bytes: domain
-----: ------: ------
26375:   100%: [unresolved numerical addresses]

Organisation Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the organisations of the computers which requested files.

Listing organisations, sorted by the number of requests.

 reqs: %bytes: organisation
-----: ------: ------------
26375:   100%: [unresolved numerical addresses]

Status Code Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the HTTP status codes of all requests.

Listing status codes, sorted numerically.

 reqs: status code
-----: -----------
24022: 200 OK
  103: 206 Partial content
  186: 301 Document moved permanently
 2250: 304 Not modified since last retrieval
    2: 400 Bad request
 1042: 404 Document not found
    3: 405 Method not allowed

File Size Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the sizes of files.

       size:  reqs: %bytes: 
-----------: -----: ------: 
          0:  2832:       : 
   1b-  10b:     2:       : 
  11b- 100b:    91:       : 
 101b-  1kb:  5114:  1.03%: 
  1kb- 10kb: 11763: 15.14%: 
 10kb-100kb:  6173: 49.87%: 
100kb-  1Mb:   387: 25.44%: 
  1Mb- 10Mb:    13:  8.52%: 

File Type Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the extensions of requested files.

Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the number of requests.

 reqs: %bytes: extension
-----: ------: ---------
19884: 70.87%: .htm  [Hypertext Markup Language]
 3727:  8.18%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language]
 1040:  6.18%: .pdb
  975:  1.79%: [directories]
   92:  0.25%: [no extension]
   49:  0.44%: .jpeg  [JPEG graphics]
   44:  1.06%: .Pdb
   39:  4.80%: .avi  [AVI movies]
   33:  0.46%: .pdf  [Adobe Portable Document Format]
   21:  0.61%: .PDF
   16:  0.15%: .doc  [Microsoft Word document]
    7:  4.85%: .zip  [Zip archives]
  448:  0.37%: [not listed: 13 extensions]

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the directories from which files were requested. (The figures for each directory include all of its subdirectories.)

Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the number of requests.

 reqs: %bytes: directory
-----: ------: ---------
22427: 83.60%: /b-online/
 1827:  1.47%: [root directory]
  563:  3.99%: /ialb/
  327:  6.38%: /lehre/
  293:  1.21%: /zim/
  239:  1.11%: /vorlfb14/
  173:  0.74%: /ianb/
  122:  0.46%: /ihf/
  108:  0.33%: /excurs/
   97:  0.16%: /ihb/
   92:  0.25%: /cgi-bin/
   80:  0.25%: /checklists/
   12:  0.02%: /map/
   15:  0.01%: [not listed: 2 directories]

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

This report lists the files on the site.

Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

 reqs: %bytes:       last time: file
-----: ------: ---------------: ----
  492:  0.02%:  3/Mar/02 23:49: /yellow.htm
  472:  0.11%:  3/Mar/02 23:54: /
  326:  1.97%:  3/Mar/02 23:55: /b-online/d00/inhalt.htm
  263:  0.01%:  3/Mar/02 23:47: /b-online/dreg/rechts.htm
  177:  0.29%:  3/Mar/02 23:49: /bio3.htm
  143:  0.03%:  3/Mar/02 23:48: /b-online/
  136:  0.01%:  3/Mar/02 23:56: /b-online/dict/leer.htm
  125:  0.24%:  3/Mar/02 23:48: /b-online/welcomep.htm
  125:  0.01%:  3/Mar/02 23:48: /b-online/gelb.htm
  123:  0.01%:  3/Mar/02 23:48: /b-online/white.htm
  123:  0.61%:  3/Mar/02 23:58: /b-online/e00/contents.htm
  110:  1.09%:  3/Mar/02 23:38: /b-online/birds/naumann.htm
  103:  0.01%:  3/Mar/02 23:47: /b-online/dreg/oben.htm
  103:  0.03%:  3/Mar/02 23:47: /b-online/d00/register.htm
  101:  0.27%:  3/Mar/02 23:19: /b-online/fo24_1/1rxoact3.pdb
  101:  0.34%:  3/Mar/02 23:47: /b-online/dreg/links.htm
  100:  0.03%:  3/Mar/02 23:47: /b-online/dreg/start.htm
   94:       :  3/Mar/02 23:48: /b-online/ereg/leer.htm
   92:  0.33%:  3/Mar/02 22:44: /b-online/d24/24.htm
   92:  0.25%:  3/Mar/02 23:55: /cgi-bin/htsearch
   81:  0.89%:  3/Mar/02 23:27: /b-online/fo22/2por.pdb
   81:  0.83%:  3/Mar/02 22:53: /b-online/fo22/1prn.pdb
   71:  0.67%:  3/Mar/02 22:53: /b-online/fo22/1pho.pdb
   70:  0.04%:  3/Mar/02 23:55: /b-online/d00/suche.htm
   68:  0.01%:  3/Mar/02 23:56: /b-online/dict/deuengfr.htm
   68:  0.08%:  3/Mar/02 23:55: /b-online/fo19/coa.pdb
   67:  0.06%:  3/Mar/02 23:56: /b-online/dict/titel.htm
   64:  0.18%:  3/Mar/02 23:00: /b-online/d09/09b.htm
   60:  0.10%:  3/Mar/02 23:43: /ialb/ialbweld.htm
   54:  0.36%:  3/Mar/02 23:51: /b-online/e04/04a.htm
   52:  0.03%:  3/Mar/02 23:48: /b-online/ereg/eindex.htm
   52:       :  3/Mar/02 23:58: /robots.txt
   49:  0.03%:  3/Mar/02 23:54: /b-online/fo23/clm.pdb
   47:  0.16%:  3/Mar/02 23:56: /b-online/e24/24.htm
   47:  0.20%:  3/Mar/02 23:02: /b-online/fo24/lhcII.pdb
   45:  0.07%:  3/Mar/02 23:58: /b-online/e26/26.htm
   44:  1.06%:  3/Mar/02 22:54: /b-online/fo24/atpase/1BMF.Pdb
   44:  0.31%:  3/Mar/02 22:32: /b-online/d55/55a.htm
   43:  0.15%:  3/Mar/02 23:45: /b-online/e09/09b.htm
   43:  0.02%:  3/Mar/02 23:02: /b-online/fo16/lys.pdb
   43:  0.13%:  3/Mar/02 23:49: /b-online/d09/09a.htm
   41:  0.01%:  3/Mar/02 23:48: /b-online/e00/index.htm
   40:       :  3/Mar/02 22:58: /vorlfb14/vorlvfr.htm
   40:  0.01%:  3/Mar/02 23:33: /suchfr.htm
   39:  0.09%:  3/Mar/02 21:49: /b-online/d41/41.htm
   39:  0.05%:  3/Mar/02 23:26: /botol.htm
   39:  0.03%:  3/Mar/02 22:58: /vorlfb14/vorbem.htm
   39:  0.05%:  3/Mar/02 23:33: /biosuche.htm
   38:  0.14%:  3/Mar/02 23:34: /b-online/e24/24b.htm
   38:  0.02%:  3/Mar/02 22:58: /vorlfb14/links.htm
   37:       :  3/Mar/02 23:43: /ialb/ialbinh.htm
   37:  0.10%:  3/Mar/02 21:02: /b-online/d57/57b.htm
   37:  0.01%:  3/Mar/02 23:07: /institfr.htm
   37:  0.09%:  3/Mar/02 22:08: /zim/welcome.html
   36:  0.23%:  3/Mar/02 22:15: /b-online/d04/04a.htm
   36:  0.08%:  3/Mar/02 23:07: /institd.htm
   34:  0.17%:  3/Mar/02 22:53: /b-online/e22/22.htm
   33:  0.18%:  3/Mar/02 23:55: /b-online/e05/05a.htm
   33:  0.16%:  3/Mar/02 23:33: /b-online/d36/36.htm
   33:  0.18%:  3/Mar/02 23:46: /b-online/d08/08.htm
   33:  0.08%:  3/Mar/02 23:36: /b-online/fo20/wood4.pdb
   33:  0.10%:  3/Mar/02 22:56: /lehre.htm
   33:  0.10%:  3/Mar/02 21:39: /b-online/d22/22c.htm
   32:  0.16%:  3/Mar/02 23:33: /b-online/d24/24c.htm
   32:  0.10%:  3/Mar/02 23:19: /b-online/e24/24a.htm
   32:  0.21%:  3/Mar/02 22:47: /b-online/d21/21d.htm
   32:  0.11%:  3/Mar/02 22:15: /b-online/d24/24a.htm
   31:  0.19%:  3/Mar/02 23:46: /b-online/e02/02d.htm
   31:  0.01%:  3/Mar/02 22:56: /lehrfr.htm
   31:  0.10%:  3/Mar/02 23:11: /b-online/d57/57j.htm
   30:  1.22%:  3/Mar/02 21:30: /b-online/dreg/frss.htm
   29:  0.08%:  3/Mar/02 20:17: /b-online/d02/02.htm
   29:  0.55%:  3/Mar/02 23:26: /b-online/dict/deuengb.htm
   29:       :  3/Mar/02 22:28: /b-online/library/rechts.htm
   29:  0.07%:  3/Mar/02 23:55: /b-online/e00/default.htm
   29:  0.16%:  3/Mar/02 23:27: /b-online/afrika/plants/plants.htm
   28:  0.01%:  3/Mar/02 21:19: /b-online/fo16/sorbit.pdb
   28:  0.15%:  3/Mar/02 22:28: /ialb/logo.jpeg
   27:  0.01%:  3/Mar/02 19:44: /b-online/fo16/mannit.pdb
   27:  0.05%:  3/Mar/02 23:09: /studiumd.htm
   27:  0.05%:  3/Mar/02 23:52: /b-online/e32/32b.htm
   27:  0.12%:  3/Mar/02 21:07: /b-online/d55/55.htm
   26:  0.13%:  3/Mar/02 23:01: /b-online/d16/16j.htm
   26:  0.10%:  3/Mar/02 23:55: /b-online/d19/19c.htm
   26:  0.16%:  3/Mar/02 22:42: /b-online/d22/22.htm
   26:       :  3/Mar/02 22:19: /b-online/d00/white.htm
   26:       :  3/Mar/02 23:08: /welcome.htm
   25:  0.08%:  3/Mar/02 21:28: /b-online/d57/57a.htm
   25:       :  3/Mar/02 23:09: /studfr.htm
   25:  0.08%:  3/Mar/02 21:31: /b-online/d00/biologie/autoren.htm
   24:  0.01%:  3/Mar/02 21:56: /b-online/d09/meiosea.htm
   24:       :  3/Mar/02 21:31: /b-online/d00/biologie/copr.htm
   24:  0.06%:  3/Mar/02 21:40: /b-online/e45/45.htm
   24:  0.01%:  3/Mar/02 21:31: /b-online/d00/biologie/titel.htm
   24:  0.07%:  3/Mar/02 23:32: /b-online/d04/04.htm
   23:  0.05%:  3/Mar/02 23:48: /b-online/d09/09.htm
   23:  0.18%:  3/Mar/02 22:20: /fbstud.htm
   23:  0.04%:  3/Mar/02 23:55: /b-online/d11/11.htm
   23:  0.01%:  3/Mar/02 23:47: /b-online/library/falk/bis10.css
   23:  0.06%:  3/Mar/02 23:50: /b-online/e06/06d.htm
   22:  0.02%:  3/Mar/02 21:23: /b-online/d16/16e.htm
   22:  0.06%:  3/Mar/02 23:44: /b-online/e02/02.htm
   22:  0.04%:  3/Mar/02 22:22: /ihf/
   22:  0.15%:  3/Mar/02 21:50: /b-online/d02/02d.htm
   22:  0.09%:  3/Mar/02 23:35: /b-online/e19/19c.htm
   21:  0.12%:  3/Mar/02 23:42: /b-online/d03/03.htm
   21:  0.01%:  3/Mar/02 23:03: /forschfr.htm
   21:  1.52%:  3/Mar/02 19:53: /b-online/dict/deuenga.htm
   21:  0.06%:  3/Mar/02 23:48: /b-online/e32/32f.htm
   21:  0.14%:  3/Mar/02 22:39: /b-online/d57/57.htm
   21:  0.14%:  3/Mar/02 22:37: /b-online/d56/56.htm
   21:  0.11%:  3/Mar/02 23:52: /b-online/d20/20.htm
   21:       :  3/Mar/02 21:31: /b-online/d00/cdwelcome.htm
   20:  0.34%:  3/Mar/02 20:42: /b-online/birds/regdeu.htm
   20:       :  3/Mar/02 23:47: /b-online/library/falk/includeOne.js
   20:  0.03%:  3/Mar/02 23:27: /b-online/afrika/welcome.htm
   20:  0.16%:  3/Mar/02 22:18: /b-online/d24/24d.htm
   20:  0.10%:  3/Mar/02 20:35: /b-online/d08/08a.htm
   20:  0.49%:  3/Mar/02 21:29: /b-online/kritik/hoturls.html
   20:  0.07%:  3/Mar/02 23:57: /b-online/e32/32c.htm
   20:  0.06%:  3/Mar/02 23:03: /forschp.htm
   20:  0.12%:  3/Mar/02 23:54: /b-online/e23/23a.htm
19518: 78.80%:  4/Mar/02 00:00: [not listed: 9,025 files]

This analysis was produced by analog 5.03.
Running time: 1 second.

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Status Code Report: File Size Report: File Type Report: Directory Report: Request Report)

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