Weeds & Parasitic Plants:
Weeds from A to Z
Weed Identification
Pages for Specific Weeds
Parasitic Plants from A to Z
Weed Science Societies & Organizations

Parasitic Plants:

Dwarf Mistletoe Management Guidebook, July 1995, Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act, Ministry of Forests, British Columbia, Canada. Contents: Introduction, distribution of dwarf mistletoe, hosts & symptoms, management, growing guidelines, references, glossary. List of figures and tables.

Ecology and Management of Parasitic Weeds, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany. The super-regional project pursued the aim of developing new instruments to control parasitic weeds, or further developing existing ones and to implement them. Available: Biology and control of parasitic weeds, sample results and materials, technical manual, publications, partners and links. In biology and control you will find detailed information on general aspects of parasitic plants as well a specific information like chemical, physical or biological control of these weeds. Graphics accompanied the documents. In results you will find a simulation model, training & extension material. A useful site and easy to navigate.

Forest Pathology - Parasitic Plants, Forest & Shade Tree Pathology, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, State University of New York. Root Parasites and Mistletoes. Mistletoes: Introduction, the pathogens, folklore, anatomy, physiology, symptoms, damage, epidemiology & ecology, managment. Species: Phoradendron, Arceuthobium.

Haustorium, the Parasitic Plants Nesletters. Official Organ of the International Parasitic Seed Plant Research Group.

Mistletoe Center, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Flagstaff Lab. Available: A Welcome with an introduction, a searchable annotated bibliography, some links, and a contact board.

Mistletoe (Phoradendron leucarpum). It's Folklore and Present Day Uses. This service is maintained by the Medical and Poisonous Databases, University of Maryland. Information on Biology, Folklore, Historical Use, Pharmacognosy, recent experiments and future research on mistletoe. At the bottom of the webpage you will find links to other sites and to the university.

Parasitic Plant Connection, Plant Biology, College of Science, Southern Illinois University (SIUC), Carbondale. This server provides a range of information: Links to other sites and references. A list of families and genera with information on geographic distribution (includes maps) and descriptions. Information on phylogenetic relationships. DNA sequence data divided into groups for parasitic plants, includes tables, ribosomal RNA structure and sequence alignments. I found the information very well organized, visit the list of families, because you will find very useful pathological information there.

Parasitic Plants: Anatomical Characteristics of the Ground-Cone, Boschniakia hookeri (Orobanchaceae). Pacific Northwest Plants.

Parasitic Plants Database, maintained by R. Walter, HP Labs, Palo Alto. Database includes over 4000 entries giving an exhaustive nomenclatural synopsis of all Parasitic Plants. The database is searchable.

Parasitic Weed Research in Amsterdam, Department of Plant Ecology, Faculty of Biology, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Research on Striga and Orobanche. Available: general information, biology, research projects, control, available seed samples, references and more. You will find a detailed biology resource here on parasitic plants with references and pictures.

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Weed Identification:

Field Guide to Noxious and Other Selected Weeds of British Columbia, Crop Protection Branch, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Ministry of Forests, British Columbia, Canada. General Information, Preface and Weed Control act. Available are an alphabetic index of all weeds, classified indices (part I - Provincial, part II - Regional) and the not by the BC Weed Control Act regulated weeds. For each weed you will get common and scientific name, a description and a number of excellent photos.

Weed Guide, prepared by American Cynanamid Company, New Jersey, USA. The guide is divided into broadleaf weeds and Grasses & Sedges. Each group is divided into sub-sections. For each weed you will find a brief description and excellent photos of the plant. Furthermore a herbicide use guide is provided and a Competetive Index of that weed. The Competetive Index Rating is explained and a glossary completes this easy to use guide. The way in which the information is provided makes this site a tip in this section.

Weed Identification Guide, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Department of Plant Pathology, Physiology & Weed Science, Virginia Tech University. A comprehensive weed identification guide containing common weeds and weed seedlings of Virginia and the southeastern states. These pages are intended to aid in the identification of common weeds and weed seedlings found throughout Virginia and the Southeastern U.S. Weeds are listed in alphabetical order. For each weed you will get the following information: description (leaves, stem, flowers, roots), identification characteristics and pictures. Further available: references and extension publicationson identification and control of weeds.

Weed Identification Lab for Turf, Industrial & Aquatic Weeds, Department of Plant Pathology, Physiology & Weed Science, Virginia Tech University. In the moment only available for Turf Weeds.

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Pages for Specific Weeds:

Biological Control of Purple Loosestrife in Illinois, Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign, Illinois, USA. Information on host specific insects that feed on purple loosestrife and distribution of purple loosestrife. Further available: Releases of Insects, mass rearing, partnerships, program updates and contact addresses.

Chromolaena odorata - Biological Control in the Tropics. Located at Cooperative Centre for Tropical Pest Management (CTPM), University of Queensland, Australia. What is Siam Weed? Information on Siam Weed, Abtsracts from Workshops, Newsletters, Photos, Who's Who?, Links.

Miconia calvescens (Melastomataceae), an invasive weed in Hawaii. Maintained by P. Thomas, University of Hawaii. Miconia calvescens a species of tree from South America which is "the one plant that could really destroy the Hawaiian forest. Here you will find a lot of online material concerning this weed. All links are accompanied by a short description. Distribution, maps, management, ecology and more.

Jointed Goatgrass (JGG): A Threat to U.S. Wheat Production, maintained by The Institute of Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UN-L), USA. If you want to learn more about Jointed Goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica) which is impossible to control with current methods in wheat, this is your starting point. You really will find all you need: Introduction, where is JGG a problem, Biology, impact, Control methods, metings, Pictures of JGG, News, Links, JGG Initiatives and much more. The site is searchable by keyword and very easy to navigate. The provided information is very useful. It is a TIP in this section and a must if you are interested in JGG.

Lantana (Lantana camara), located at Cooperative Centre for Tropical Pest Management (CTPM), University of Queensland, Australia. Available information: Biology and Native Range, Present Distribution, Taxonomic Affinities, Pest Status, Control Methods Available, Publications and Contact Details.

Parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus), located at Cooperative Centre for Tropical Pest Management (CTPM), University of Queensland, Australia. Parthenium is one of the worst weeds for agriculture in Queensland, Australia. It is native to Mexico and the USA and has spread prolifically in central Queensland. Available information: Biology & Native Range, Present Distribution, Taxonomic Affinities, Pest Status, Biological Control Agents, Other Control Methods Available, Selected Publications and more.

Purple Loosestrife InfoCentre, developed by the Manitoba Purple Loosestrife Project. Available: newsletter & updates, research information, brochures, biological control of purple loosestrife, resource material, links and a photo gallery. You will find a lot of useful information on puprple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) in sections research (including abstracts, loosestrife bibliography and canadian projects), brochures (with detailed information on various topics) and in biological control. It is a good starting page for this weed.

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