Culture Collections - PPIGB

Alabama Commercial Turf IPM, national IPM Network, Auburn University, USA. Information is divided into three sections: General, Insects and Diseases. Documents written by experts from Alabama and are focussed on the turf problems in Alabama. Information is good organized, documents are very well written.

Ask Earl - The yard-care answer guy, provided by the Toro Company. The information is divided into the following sections: Grass, Weeds, Leaves, Pests, Gardening, New Lawn and a keyword search function. Section Grass covered aspects as the grass is discoloured, dead, about mowing and fertilization. Weeds comes with weed prevention tips and two sections for grass weeds and boadleaf weeds. The leaves sections provides information on how to remove, dispose or copmpose leaves from your lawn. Section Pests comes wit a pest control primer, sections for insect and rodents. This includes control tips.

Barenbrug Research Page, Barenbrug Grass Breeding Department, Barenbrug, The Netherlands. Turfgrass Research: Diseases (general information, special topics, including pictures and references), shade problems and endophytes. Further available: Information about Barenbrug, adresses, sites and mail.

Controlling Turfgrass Diseases, Ampac Seed Company. Choose a disease from the index. Following Information is available: Season, susceptible turfgrasses, Cultural Control, Chemical Control.

Cool Season Turf Diseases and their Management (CD-ROM), Interactive Turf, c/o H. Wilkenson, Urbana, USA. Information on the prediction, diagnosis, and management of the 22 most common diseases or problems associated with cool season turfgrasses has been compiled on one CD-Rom. Available Information: About the disc, who needs the disc?, price & ordering information, credits and information on the authors.

Greenkeeper Homepage, for all greenkeepers and golf course superintendents and persons, who are interested in questions concerning turf care and golf course management. From the Index: Links; Periodicals; Databases; Services; Environment, Ecology & Future developments; Suppliers for Golf Course Maintenance; Associations concerned with Turfgrass; Education; Conferences.

Guelph Turfgrass Institute (GTI), University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Research Activities (selected): Weed Garden, Effects of pesticides and other substances in the environment, Stress response of single and multiple cultivar populations of bentgrass, Demethylation inhibitor (DMI)-resistant fitness test, Development of a disease forecasting system for dollar spot caused by Sclerotinia homoeocarpa, Fungicide control of dollarspot disease, Fungicide and biological control of grey snow mould, Non- chemical weed control, and more...Further Information: About GTI, Guestbook, Annual Research Reports, Fact Sheets, Pesticides in the urban landscape, Links.

Lawn Care for Disease Control, by N.P. Goldberg, Extension Plant Pathologist, published by New Mexico Crop Pest Reporter, USDA. Document covered the following topics: Species selection, Planting site selection, site preparation, seeds vs. sod, managing established turf, key points for maintaining healthy lawns.

Loss of Nitrogen and Pesticides from Turf via Leaching and Runoff, by J.T. Snow, United States Golf Association, USGA Green Section. The article covers the following aspects: Nitrogen leaching and runoff, pesticide leaching and runoff. 6 figures and 7 tables, reference list.

Major Diseases of Turf Grasses in Western Canada, Alberta, Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Canada. After a short introduction you will find an index of diseases. For each disease the following information is available: Disease description, predisposing factors, cultural and chemical control. For each disease a number of pictures will be presented.

Mississippi Lawns and Gardens: Turfgrass, Cooperative Extension Service, Mississippi State University. Information on Establishing a new Lawn and Maintaining an old Lawn. Detailed Information on Disease, Insect & Weed Control, fertilizing, mowing and renovating.

MU Turfgrass Research Center, College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, University of Missouri-Columbia. Turfgrass Research Reports (includes turfgrass diseases and pest), Fungicide Efficacy trials. In Plant Diseases you will find the disease diagnostic clinic, disease management guide, disease portraits, parasitic nematodes, Phytium root rot. Further available: MU turfgrass program, turf managers degree program, available positions, events, links.

NCSU Turf Files, North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service and the NCSU Turf Work Group. Research-based information for professional turf managers, lawn and grounds care industries, academic users, and homeowners. Available Information: Calendar, TurfAlerts (get the latest Information for North Carolina with images and a detailed description), News, Publications, FAQs, TurfProfs (a who is who), and search the Turf Files. The TurfFiles publications index provides a list of documents on Turfgrass Management, Diseases & Pathogens, Insect Management, Weed Management or Soils & Fertilizers.

Oklahoma Turf Doctor, maintained at Plant Disease and Insect Diagnostic Lab, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Oklahoma State University. The web service is divided into three parts for Golf Courses, Recreational (football and baseball fields, parks), and Home Lawn. In the sections first select the host plant, then the season to come to disease problems. For each disease you get symptoms and control information. Further available: The Plant Doctor, Diagnostic Lab, Glossary, Feedback and Search. The Plant Doctor covers all plants or crops and Turf Doctor is a part of this service. The web page is very easy to navigate and only relevant information is given. Recommended.

PACE Turfgrass Research Institute (PTRI), PACE Consulting, San Diego, USA. Available: PTRI Research Reports & Turfgrass Management Guidelines, PACE Consulting & Information Services, and Links. The PTRI reports a divided into (I) Fertility, Soil, Tissue and Water Analysis, (II) Pest Management and (III) Cultural Practices. In Pest Management you will find information on insect and disease management as well as on Plant Growth Regulators and Weed Management. On the PACE consulting pages you will get information on their services like annual reports or management alerts.

Pest of Turfgrass, part of UC Pest Management Guidelines, University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Project. Turfgrass Species: Important Species and their properties are described, includes a glossary. Guideline sections: Diseases, Insects & Mites, Nematodes, Weeds. Each entry in a section comes with a description of Symptoms, further comments, control (chemical and non-chemical), Treatment and when to treat, Publication. Each section includes also general information (e. g. use of pesticides).

Purdue's Turfgrass Science Program, Department of Agronomy, Purdue University. Turf Tips: Update on a weekly basis, provides you with the latest information. Research Projects: Species and Cultivar Studies, Turfgrass Management Trials, Weed Biology and Control, Insect Biology and Control, Disease Biology and Control. Further available information: Personnel, Phone numbers, Extension Programs, publications, Integrated pest management course for the beginning turfgrass professional, Turf Science Courses, Midwest Regional Turf Foundation, Turfgrass Science Club.

Rutgers Center for Turfgrass Science , Cook College, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES), State University of New Jersey, USA. Research: Host-endophyte associations, biocontrol, herbicide resistant grasses, reducing pesticide inputs, grasses with acid and aluminum tolerance, diseases by root-infecting fungi, stress tolerance and pest resistance. Details can be found in "Research Emphasis" and their "Annual Turfgrass Symposia" (including Turfgrass Pathology, Entomology, Germplasm Enhancement, Endophytes, Turfgrass Management, Biotechnology). Further available: General Information, Faculty, Grants Program, Education and Research Facilities.

Salinity Tolerance of Turf Grasses, Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Canada. Plants covered: Tall fescue, Creeping red fescue, Hard fescue, Sheep fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, Creeping bentgrass, and Weeping alkaligrass.

South Carolina Turf & Ornamental Program (SCTOP), Clemson University. Sections: Athletic Field Management, Golf Course Turf Management, Greenhouse Production, Landscape Management, Lawn Management, Nursery Production, and Sod Production. in each section you will find documnets on Insects, Diseases, Weeds, Breeding & Genetics, Environmental Toxicology, Ecology and Clinic & Reports.

Turfgrass Care and Maintenance, maintained by C. Swift, Colorado State University, Cooperative Extension, Tri River Area. What you will find: Core Cultivation (Aerating) The Lawn, Later Season Fertilization of Cool Season Grasses, Thatch and Mat, Watering Established Lawns in Western Colorado, Watering Turfgrass and Disease Potential: Leaf Wetness. Plant diseases and insect problems will be discussed in nearly each section.

Turfgrass Diseases: Diagnosis and Management, by G.L. Schumann & J.D. MacDonald, published by APS. Get help identifying and managing more than 65 turfgrass diseases and disease agents from this interactive CD-ROM with material from the "Compendium of Turfgrass Diseases". Available Information: About the CD-ROM, the features of the program, about the authors, system requirements, ordering information.

Turfgrass Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (TDDL), University of Wisconsin - Madison. Available: General information about TDDL, Disease Alerts, Disease Profiles, Sample Records, Events, TDDL Personnel, Turfgrass Disease Identification Key. Disease Alerts: Choose the region of interest and get the disease alerts for this region with a description of the diseases (Disease Profiles). Research at the TDDL: Snow Mold Fungicide Evaluation Trials, Molecular Methods for the identification of diseases.

Turfgrass Disease Images, Guelph Turfgrass Institute, Canada. Choose a disease and a high quality photograph will be loaded.

Turfgrass Entomology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), Department of Entomology. Extension: Turfgrass Pests & Beneficials (with detailed descriptions, management), divided into sub-groups; an easy-to-use identification key, white grub management, insecticide tables, images of insects and pests. Research Reports. Additional Information.

Turfgrass Pathology Extension Publications, Kansas State University. Select a disease and you will get information about symptoms, disease cycle, and control.

Turfgrass Science at the Fort Lauderdale REC, Fort Lauderdale Research & Education center (FLREC), Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, USA. Here you will find: Turfgrass Culture (Class Information), Turfgrass IPM, Foliar & Subterranean Turf Pests, Nitrogen Leaching, Turfgrass Pathology Notes, Control of Fairy Ring, Overseeding Turf For Winter, Chemical Lawn Sprays for Edging. Tufgrass culture provides the complete class information including exams, learning goals and a list of publications.

Turfgrass Science Program at The Ohio State University. Information about Turfgrass Science Major at Ohio State, Plant Pathology Faculty at Ohio State University.

Turfgrass Sciences at the University of Illinois, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRES), Iniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. Research Areas related to plant pathology: Herbicides (translocation, metabolism, degradation), take-all patch in creeping bentgrass and others. Further available: Teaching, Extension (including Integrated Pest Management), The Illinois Turfgrass Foundation (ITF), Links and a calendar of events.

Turfgrass Weeds, The National Park Service Integrated Pest Management Manual.

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