Education, Teaching & Courses:
Plant Pathology related
School Materials
From A to Z
Courses & Workshops

From A to Z:

Bestimmungsübungen an Insekten (Insect Identification), Chair of Applied Entomology, Faculty of Forest Science Weihenstephan, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich (Freising/Weihenstephan). This course is available in German, only little information is given in english. The following functions are available: (1) Browse by the insect order, (2) Index of species, (3) index of courses, (4) insects and their hosts, indexed by the host and (5) a glossary of terms. This website comes with detailed information on insects and their determination. Where appropriate high quality photos are available. Especially the course material was developed for students in Germany (but not only). It is a valuable resource for students learning insects.

Biology Hypertextbook developed by The Experimental Study Group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Content: Introduction, the Chapters and more. Chapters: Chemistry Reviews, Large Molecules, Cell Biology, Enzyme Biochemistry, Glycolysis & Krebs Cycle, Photosynthesis, Central Dogma, Mendelian Genetics, Prokaryotic Genetics & Gene Expression, Recombinant DNA, Immunology. This is great site and the best educational/teaching resource I have found on the web. The site comes with excellent graphics and explanations. You will find every information you are looking for by using a searchable index.

The BioNet Software Compendium; Teaching & Learning Technology Programme, Universities of Aberdeen and Leeds. Includes some programs which might be also of interest for plant pathologists: Biochemistry (chemical composition of cells, protein purification), Microbiology (bacterial growth), Molecular Biology and Genetics (Molecular Genetics of a virus) and Plant Science (plant virus identification, Plant virus tutorial)

Biotechnology Educational Leaflets, Information about Biotechnology from the Australian Biotechnology Association (ABA). From the index: Biotechnology for Agriculture, Transgenic Animals & Plants, Biotechnology & Diagnosis ... and more.

Biotechnology, Society and the Environment an Online course in agriculture. College of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, USA. Learner Outcomes: How to clone a gene; What is possible, and what is not possible, with biotechnology; How biotechnology impacts your life and the environment; views on biotechnology; ethical, legal, social, economic, and ecological issues of biotechnology. In Lecture Overview: Recombinant DNA Technology, Biotechnology and Plants (e. g. The Green Revolution) and much more. Online discussion, links, glossary...Highly recommended and highly useful information concerning biotechnology and its impact on agriculture. Do not miss it.

Book of Insect Records - 1996, Department of Entomology & Nematology, University of Florida, Gainsville. University of Florida Book of Insect Records, a book that names insect champions and documents their achievements. Each chapter deals with a different category of record. Up to now 23 Chapters. Examples: Longest Diapause (3), Greatest Host Range (2), Most Heat Tolerant (21), Resistant to most Insecticides (15)...Learn about Champions and Records in the Insect World - Information and Fun. Do not miss it.

Botanik online - die Internetlehre (botany online), Department of Biology, University of Hamburg, Germany. These pages are only available in German. The online textbook is based on the book written by Peter von Sengbusch, but it was extended with more graphics and high resolution pictures. Chapters: Einführung Anatomie von Zellen und Geweben, Klassische Genetik, Moleküle und molekulare Umsetzungen in Pflanzenzellen, Interzelluläre Kommunikation, Wechselwirkungen zwischen Pflanzen und Pilzen, Bakterien, Viren, Evolution, Überblick über das Pflanzenreich, Ökologie, Essays.

Digital Learning Center for Microbial Ecology (DLC-ME) is a science education project under development at Michigan State University. The goal of the DLC-ME project is to use computers and network technologies to help students and teachers learn about microbial ecology, and to help make educational resources concerning microbes readily available. The Microbe Zoo - Take a guided trip through a virtual world of exotic micororganisms in various environments. Microbe of the Week - Take a look at the newest addition to the Microbe Zoo's specimen collection. Microbe in the NEWS. Meet the Scientists who study microbes and microbe ecology. Microbe Ecology Resources.

PHYTOS - Plant Science education network. PHYTOS is a recently established international network which links plant science and biotechnology education programmes at university sites in Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom. It is hoped that PHYTOS will enable those who are devising educational resources in plant science and in biotechnology to exchange information and to collaborate in the production of new material. It is possible that other sites may join PHYTOS in the future.

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School Materials:

School Activities (from ACPA), published by the American Crop Protection Association (ACPA). Their activities are divided into three parts: 2nd grade, 3rd grade and 4th grade. The program focuses on food crops, from the seeding to the whole plant and nutritious diet. It gives insight how agriculture and food are connected. Each part includes subject focus, learning objectives, materials, discussions, procedures, activity extension and additional readings. Especially teachers will find this material useful for use in their classes.

School IPM, Integrated Pest Management in Schools, supported by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the National IPM Network. Available: what is IPM (how can IPM implemented in school by parents, school administrator, faculty member or Pest Manager), administrator info, presentaions, technival info, teaching IPM, links and more. This web site gives provides all necessary information on IPM and its implementation in school like technical and adminstrative issues and well founded content pages on IPM.

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