The Plant Pathology Internet Guide Book (PPIGB)

About... The Mission of...
On how to use...
The Features of...
The Author of...
Your Feedback to...
Mirrors, Co-operation, Sponsoring

Mission of :

PPIGB is an internet resource guide for all aspects of plant pathology, applied entomology and related fields. It is intended as starting point for scientists, students and all who are interested in phytopathology to explore the internet. The compilation of websites is divided into thematic categories in which every Link is followed by a brief description of the content of the website. Every Link is also accompanied by an additonal keyword set, which is not visible in PPIGB but which is searchable (for more information see Features).

PPIGB is updated every week. New entries will be available on mondays. You will find the date of the last update on the starting page.

The original homepage of PPIGB is located at the Department of Horticulture, University of Hanover. Its location is: http://www.ifgb.uni-hannover.de/extern/ppigb/ppigb.htm.

How are the websites compiled? (I) The author searches the net frequently for new websites of interest by using the power of several search engines. (II) Every user of PPIGB has the possibility to submit a new link by using the On-Line form or by sending me an e-mail. After a new link is found the author will visit this website and browse through it. After visiting the website a description is written, which contains in general the following information: Title of URL, Location, available information, additional information and tips.

Resource Evaluation and Description In PPIGB only websites will be compiled which contain relevant information on subjects related to it. Where possible you will find information about the author/institution and their location. The description of the content will give you information about what you will find on that website. In most cases a number of keywords is given or a short paragraph on the mission or content of that site. Where possible the author will take this information from the website itself. After a new resource was included to PPIGB the author will try to contact the author(s) of the website, so that he can verify/change the given information.
The author of PPIGB will give further information about Specific Features like high quality pictures, how to use the website, loading time, usability, and organization where it seems to be appropriate. Extraordinary sites will be marked as a TIP (see Features).

In order to keep the link information updated the websites will be visited from time to time to confirm that the description is in accordance with the content of the website. If a link is definitly broken (not only that the server is down for a shorter or longer period), I will try to verify the URL or to find the new location of it. In cases where I failed to find the URL it will be deleted from PPIGB. These broken links will be kept on my machine to try them from time to time. If you find a broken link in PPIGB please e-mail me. If your website has moved please submit the new URL.
Broken URLs are indicated in PPIGB and can also be found in section "LOST-NOT-FOUND".

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How to use ?

I want to keep PPIGB as simple as possible. For example I will only use graphics where they are appropriate. The PPIGB starting screen is divided into two frames. on the left you will find the MENU frame and on the right side the TEXT frame.

The MENU frame:
While you navigate through PPIGB this frame will not change and will not be reloaded. Here you will find the different sections of PPIGB (in the moment more than 20 like Mycology). A mouse click on one section will display the content of this section in the TEXT frame on the right side. At the bottom of the MENU frame you will find the PPIGB icon which will takes you back to the starting screen. Here you will also find buttons for searching PPIGB or for submitting an URL, meeting and position.

The TEXT frame:
The starting TEXT frame will give a short introduction and information on the last update (PPIGB will be updated every week), Links to the mirror sites of PPIGB, What's New, approvements and awards of PPIGB.
After you have selected a category from the MENU frame the content of this selected section will be displayed in the text frame. In cases where necessary a sub menu will appear (like for section Institutes/Departments). Links in each section will be displayed in alphabetic order. On the right side of the heading you will find again the button for adding a new URL. In some cases an icon will appear with the link. See
Features for explanation. At the bottom you will find again the PPIGB icon, which will take you back to the start and the name of the author with e-mail function. If a page is divided into sub-pages you will also find a "Top of Page" function, which will take you back to the sub menu.

The PPIGB Icon:
Wherever you find the PPIGB Icon it will redirect you to the starting page of PPIGB.

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The Features of :

PPIGB has some features which will be explained briefly:
The What's new Page: PPIGB will be updated every week. here you will find the new entries since the last update. Also featured on this page: The TIP of the month. This is a website, which contains very useful information and is very well organized. The TIP of the Month is intended to promote an extraordinary website. And last but not least the Notes from the Authors. Here you will get the laatest informations on PPIGB (e. g. new features, major changes, problems...)

The meeting and position announcment service: The author offers every user the possibility to announce a meeting or position without having an own website. The required www-pages will be created by the author and placed on the server of PPIGB. These services are free of charge. More details? Go to Feedback.

The buttons and Icons:

The new entries will be marked in their section with one of these icons.
Extraordinary websites which are of special interest are marked by this icon. Sites marked as a TIP will be visted frequently by the author to confirm the usability of these sites.
This is the general button in PPIGB. Where you will find it, just click on it and a new page in PPIGB will be opened. For example the What's New Page has this button.

This are the buttons for the different On-Line Forms of PPIGB. They are intended to simplify the feedback to the author. For a detailed description go to the Feedback.
A feature of PPIGB available from July 27, 1997. The SEARCH buttons enables a full text search of PPIGB. You can search for any keywords or for URLs. The Perl based script will be improved over time and new features will be added. See author notes for recent changes on this function.
The PPIGB icon. In most cases it will take you back to the starting page of PPIGB. If you should get lost in PPIGB (but I am sure that this will not happen) click on it. This button was introduced, because many Search-Engines also find single sections of PPIGB. And for those coming to PPIGB from such a Search-Engine this button will lead them to PPIGB.

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The Author of :

PPIGB is written, compiled and maintained by Dr. Thorsten Kraska, Institut für Pflanzenkrankheiten (Institute for Plant Diseases), University of Bonn, Germany.

I have studied Biology in Universities of Bochum and Hanover (both Germany) and received my MSc. in 1988 in Biology (Department of Biology, Univ. Hanover) with specialization in Botany, Microbiology, Biochemistry and Plant Pathology. In 1996 I finished my PhD (Institute for Plant Diseases and Plant Protection, Department of Horticulture, Univ. Hanover) with a thesis on "Induced Resistance in Plants".

PPIGB is still hosted by the Department of Horticulture (Univ. of Hanover), though I have changed to the Univ. of Bonn. I would like to thank the Department for giving me the possibility to use their server still.

If you want to know more about my scientific work and person, visit my homepage.

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Your Feedback to :

Feedback of the user is always welcome and requested. On each page of PPIGB you will find the e-mail address of the author. Any feedback or request can be done by sending me an e-mail.

Feedback is very important to improve PPIGB. Therefor any wishes, requests, remarks, comments are requested. Feel free to tell me your opinion about PPIGB, especially when something is missing.

You can also use the On-Line forms of PPIGB for feedback. Here how to use them:

The add/change URL form. This form is intended for submitting a new link to PPIGB or to change information for a link. Take a few minutes to fill in the form and then send it by clicking on the submit button at the end. The following screen will display again what you have submitted to PPIGB. If you are submitting a link you are also invited to give a brief description. It could be one paragraph and/or keywords, which summarize the content of your website. After I get your form I will visit your site and in some cases I added information or change it slightly. After it is included to PPIGB you will get another e-mail which will give you the possibility to change the information again if you like. If the URL of your website is changed please submit the new URL. If your location contains more than one interseting website do not hesitate to submit them.

The meeting form. If you want to announce a meeting, you can do it by using this form. Here you will have to possibilities: (I) You can submit the URL of a meeting or (II) you can submit information about a meeting. In the last case you will have to fill in some requested information. I will take this information and create a www-page for you. This page will be placed on the server of PPIGB. This page will contain all the information you have submitted. Please feel free to give as much information as you like. The service is free of charge

The position announcement form. You would like to announce a vaccant Job or Position, but you have not an own website for it? Then use this form. Please fill in the requested information and then submit it to PPIGB. I will create a www-page for you and will place it on the PPIGB server. You will also get the choice to post it to the newsgroup for plant pathology if you like.

The feedback form. Give me your opinion on PPIGB. What do you like, what not, what is missing? Give me your response to improve PPIGB. Every feedback is welcome. Please, report also any broken links or misspellings in PPIGB.

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Co-operations, mirror sites of :

PPIGB is open for every form of co-operation from a simple backlink to the website of PPIGB over the creation of a mirror site to sponsoring. If you would like to add a backlink to PPIGB from your website to PPIGB, but do not know how do it, please contact me by e-mail.

Creation of a mirror site: Until now mirror sites in Australia, the United Kingdom and Germany are exsisting. You will find their location on the mirror page. New mirror sites are welcome. If you would like to create a mirror site on your server do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail. You can also get a personalized starting page, which will be created in close co-opeeration with you. PPIGB requires in the moment not more than 2MB of disc space.

If you would like to sponsor PPIGB or the author of PPIGB in any way, please contact me. I would be glad to hear from you. Sponsors will be featured with a banner on the PPIGB pages.

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PPIGB Home © Thorsten Kraska , 1997
all rights reserved