Prop Roots

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Roots may have other specialized functions. Species like Pandanus (hala) have weak, brittle stems which would break under the strain of their large leaves which are clustered about the shoot tips. Hala  produces prop roots which compensate somewhat for its weak stems.

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Pandanus with Prop Roots

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Pandanus  Prop Roots

Monstera produces extremely large leaves. These are most visible near the central crosswalk at Dole street & the Law School. The stems can't support the great weight of these leaves but they produce sprawling prop roots which help the stems stay partly erect.

Monstera Leaf Base of Monstera Stem showing Prop Roots on the Right

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Large trees which grow in the wet unstable soils of the rainforest produce massive outgrowths at their base. These are another example of prop roots but their rooty nature is not as apparent as with Monstera and Pandanus. They are called Buttress Roots.

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Root Buttress

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