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Lycopods have Stems Leaves and Roots.

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Lycopodium sp. with an upright Stem with Adventitious Roots emerging from its subterranean base.

Sporangia are be located in the axil of leaves. Axil refers to  the angle formed between the upper surface of the leaf and the Stem. The upper surface is called Adaxial. The lower surface is Abaxial. (Ad = Towards; Ab = Away). Adaxial means the surface towards the stem. Abaxial means away from the stem. Your intrepid teacher will give a dramatic demonstration at this point!

The Sporophylls may closely resemble Vegetative leaves.

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Immature Sporangia are Green (above) they turn yellow as they mature and open (below).

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Sporophylls can be organized into Terminal Cones (Strobili). In this case the sporangia are still adaxial. The sporophylls are green and tightly closed until the sporangia mature. The sporophylls turn yellow, dry & become reflexed upon maturation. The sporangia open like those to the right.

Lycopodium is Homosporous.

The Spores contain a high concentration of Oil. They were used as flash powder during the early days of Photography.

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Lycopodium Spores

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SEM Photo of Lycopod Spore

Sporangia are borne on the Leaves which are referred to as Sporophylls.

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Sporophyll from Lycopodium

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Microscopic view of Immature & Mature Lycopodium Cones

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Lycopodium Sporangium

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Ventral view of Lycopod  Gametophyte with SEM.

The Gametophytes do not have recognizable Organs. They produce Antheridia & Archegonia. Rhizoids are also present.

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SEM image of a collapsed Antheridium and Sperm (red) from Lycopod Gametophyte. The Sperm swim through an opening created by the cell that occupies the apex of the Antheridium.

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Archegonia (Yellow) on the Gametophyte a.

Fertilization occurs when the biflagellate Sperm reaches the egg.

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