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The Stele in the Stem is generally a Plectostele.

This is another form of a Protostele & is more complex that the Haplostele or the Actinostele.

The Xylem strands appear like interconnected plates.

The Phloem surrounds the xylem and can penetrate to the center of the Stele.

An Actinostele can also be observed.

PlectoWOWStele240LabHue.jpg (52192 bytes)
A Plectostele from a Lycopodium Stem.

PlectoRealSteleLab.jpg (66876 bytes)
Locate the Phloem & Xylem in this image of Lycopodium Stele. Note the Location of the Endodermis & Pericycle.

StelePhloroglucinol240Lab.jpg (26209 bytes)
Xylem & Phloem from a Lycopodium stem stained with Phloroglucinol. Lignified Cells stain Red-Orange. The Phloed is unstained.
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Xylem & Phloem from a Lycopodium stem stained with Toluidine Blue. Lignified Cells stain Blue, UNlignified Cells (Phloem) Stain Pink.
SteleRedPlecto300.jpg (38932 bytes)
Another Stele - Locate the Xylem - Remember that where there is Xylem there must be Phloem. Locate the Phloem!

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