The following answers were from a survey taken by students in MCB 229, "Fundamentals of Microbiology", at the end of the spring semester, 2000. Selected answers have been highlighted that represent the spectrum of student opinion.
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Q. Did you find the extensive use of the web in lecture to be valuable? Please tell me your reactions, both positive and negative, and suggest any modifications you think might be useful.
  1. I liked the web movies presented in lecture. they helped me understand some concepts better because I could watch the process of the mechanism. it is more helpful than a written diagram.
  2. The examples used from the web were great they gave me a better understanding of certain mechanisms and even just the fact that the use of visuals was definately helpful and more organized. I didn't find any negatives and I feel that there is no need for modification.
  3. Using the web was definitly a help in class lectures because at 8am, I need a little change. Also, when the concepts become a little complex, it is a lot easier to understand the material when it is being explained in front of you in either a picture, animation, or other resource. Also, when the idea was on the web, it somehow made the idea seem more real and relevent. It made me feel like I was learning something important enough for someone to actually make a site and application about the topic. Sometimes I really lose track of how anything I am learning could really be relevent to me, and this helped bring me back to center a little.
  4. The use of the internet in this class is one of the reasons that it was exciting and interesting when going over the material. The web notes proved a great resource when going to class. This way we could emphasize on listening and not on writing. One problem is that certain links on the notes need easier access, than having to join certain clubs/organizations.
  5. I feel that the use of the web during lecture helped me follow along a lot better. I did not spend the whole class trying to copy notes the teacher wrote on the board.
  6. Helpful in following along, but sometimes makes for sleepy atmosphere having the lights dimmed at 8 o'clock in the morning
  7. Yes, I do think that the use of the web in lecture is vaulable. I hope you keep it as part of the lecture. I am sure future students will find it valuable as well.
  8. i found that the use of the web during lecture made little difference in the way i learned material, and often i used this time to catch up on notetaking from material gone over before referring to the web material. to me, a standard explanation goes much further than pictures, except for the animated diagrams which were helpful on occasion.
  9. I feel that it was very useful to see three dimensional forms of the objects and structures that you were talking about in lecture although with lecture being so early in the morning I found myself falling asleep some days. I should have gotten more sleep but we had lab from 7-10 the night before and then we had to take the web CT quiz. It was okay but somedays it was hard.
  10. I found the extensive use of the web in lecture to be very valuable. The animations were helpful in learning the material, and were not the kind of thing I would have found on my own. Those types of images are a lot more helpful than looking at diagrams in the text. On the other hand I wouldn't want to have all web-based lectures. I find the figures drawn on the board are also very helpful; I guess it depends on the topic.
  11. I think that the use of the web was helpful because helped to clearify anything that was vague. The only downside to the lecture notes was that the same thing was gone over in class. Once I had read the material and the lecture notes and taken the quiz, I was so familiar with the material that I often became very bored in class.
  12. I thought that the web helped a lot when there were videos, diagrams, and pictures. It was also good to have it in front of you already and to be able to follow along. I think that it is a really good ide
  13. I really felt that the use of the web allowed me to excel in MCB 229. I did reading that I might not have done because I knew I was being graded, furthermore, I was able to follow along in lecture and was better prepared overall for exams. Not only was the use of the web responsible for my success in MCB 229, both inside and outside the classroom, but taught me to better utilize the resources available via the internet.
  14. the use of the web is valuable b/c students have to learn how to use the web at some point. I think that at this point its best that students and teachers use the web to its full potential
  15. I think the use of the web was valuable, but I sometimes couldn't get access to some of the links in the lecture notes, and rather than taking time to download and set up some plug-in (chime) or something else, I just counted on you showing that link in class. Once or twice I ran into questions on the quiz that I couldn't answer because I didn't view these links, and that felt a little unfair because I had done the reading and the study guide.
  16. I thought it was very useful, it helped us to visualize what you were talking about in class.
  17. I really did find the extensive use of the web in lecture valuable. I feel the animations that we were shown in class really helped me understand certain areas that were hard to picture from words. I only wished I could have viewed them at home while I was studying for the exams. I personally learn better with visual models, however, I do have a good memory so only seeing them once was plenty. I was really amazed at some of the programs that are out there. The 3-D models were incredible. I would definately continue to use these programs off the web.
  18. I really liked the use of the web. What I liked the most was having the lecture notes available outside of class, so I could use them towards the reading questions. But perhaps the best part was that you actually taught from them , so we could more easily follow along in class. By giving us the notes, I was able to pay more attention to what you were saying, rather than spend all my attention on trying to write down your every word.
  19. Yes, it demontrated key points that you were trying to get across and helped us visualize and remember the material.
  20. I liked the use of the web in lecture. It was helpful to be able to follow along on the notes and know where you were. It was not helpful because it allowed me to not always pay total attention since if you were showing the notes then I sometimes did not pay attention until you put notes on the board. It was overall very helpful.
  21. I enjoyed the use of the internet in the class in the beginning of the semester. I liked not having to rush to copy notes b/c I had already printed them and could go along with you in class. Towards the end of the semester I became bored with it and actually slacked off in attendance and instead printed the notes and checked the announcement board for any information that I may have missed. This probably doesn't mean much b/c I've been pretty sick this semester and I haven't been fully functional as my exam grades show. I feel that if I were well, I would have attended class more frequently. I took Bio 107 with you and also enjoyed the use of the internet then.
  22. I found the use of the web in lecture very useful. Having the lecture notes already in front of me allowed me to pay attention much more in lecture. When I have to scribble all the notes down during a lecture, I am usually not absorbing what I am writing down. Having the notes already allowed me to write in any other useful comments on the lecture note printout. I have no negative comments at all.
  23. Yes very valuable. They sometimes helped create a little bit more entertainment in lecture. Added some color and pizzazz to lecture.
  24. Yes because I was able to listen more and class and not worry about dictating my teacher word for word. Also it made the class a little more interesting. I loved the animations.
  25. yes, especially the visual aids such as animations, it made it easier to visualize what we were learning.
  26. I love the little movies off the net that are relevant to the material, but use of the board might help keep some awake.
  27. I think I would have preferred not to have used the lecture notes directly from the web site, but instead more straight presentation (I ended up copying down a lot of the information from the web site and then getting the exact same thing when I printed off the notes). However, I really enjoyed seeing the links connected to the web page and the various animations were very helpful in gaining a better understanding of some of the concepts and biological processes discussed.
  28. The use of the web during class time was wonderful for those individuals that require visual aids for learning.
  29. I really found it quite useful when studying for the tests to be able to access the notes on the web and be able to look at the actual diagrams viewed in class. I also found the animated movies extremely helpful because I find that concepts make more sense when I can visualize them. I also found that it made these concepts easier to remember when it came time to take the test.
  30. I thought the web notes were good for downloading and bringing to class--that way I could follow along and write in additional notes in the columns. In terms of the Announcements--I looked at them too infrequently to be of any real significance to me--I attended lecture enough to get any important information I needed first hand. In terms of the quizzes--I thought the quizzes were great--I really did enjoy the fact that we had to stay on top of the workload to get the grade--however, I did find it difficult to balance my time with other classes and the work that was also demanded from those other subjects. A suggestion would be to have 1 quiz one week and then 2 quizzes the next week--have them alternate. Another point on the quizzes--I would have them count for more than just 25% of the final grade--It was discouraging to take the time to write out all the answers for the study guides--especially becasuse of the volume of questions total--and then not see them used for tests. The amount of time invested compared to the payout should be more for the quizzes and less for the exams--your exams were frustrating.
  31. I thought that it was valuable. The animations were better than just plain diagrams.
  32. When looking for other web sites to enter in order to get a better grasp in the material that we were covering, it was a very positive thing. When the web was used for the lecture notes, it was also positive. All in all, i thing that using the web in lecture was a positive experience
  33. The use of the web was one of the greatest aspects of this class. The quizzes were a great way to get students to read the material before the lecture so that we would know what you were talking about the next day. It was also quite useful for studying for exams, especially the practice exams online.
  34. I did not go to lecture very often, however, when i was there, the use of the web was helpful
  35. It becomes much easier to keep in contact with the teacher and the class schedules (ie tests, homework, updated lecture notes). The quizzes made me keep up with the readings and the subject matter. The web links to other sources helped me for the extra credit papers.
  36. I think that the web material was very useful. However, I think that the lecture notes and the study guides should be more closely related. Sometimes, the study guides have material on them that is either not touched upon in any other part of the course, or is not covered in lecture but then shows up on a test. I think study guides and tests should only cover what is gone over in lecture.
  37. Yes I found the use of the web in lecture to be valuable, especiallly when studying mechanisms or molecular structures that cannot be easily visualized.
  38. I found the use of the web in class to be very useful. Some of the more difficult material that was on the web was well explained during the class lectures and because of this I had a better understanding of the material.
  39. I dont find web-based courses particularly useful. For one, I become lazier. For another, it gets boring and tediuos. Also, I feel that, although I am confidant you, the professor, knows the material inside out, this approach exhibits less of the random, spontaneous energy that a professor can bring to the lecture; this is what interests me in a class. For this course, which is not a particular interest to me, this energy would have been invaluable.
  40. It was somewhat of value. I liked the fact that I could print out the lecture notes and bring them to class. I never used the other web connections or linkages when looking at the notes.
  41. I am a very big fan of the web options. Typically before doing the online quizzes I read the chapter and wrote out study guide answers. Having the quizzes each tues and thurs kept my up to date on reading, and provided incentive to thoroughly know the material. I also think that the web animations, such as translation and transcription, are invaluable and very helpful. More animations would definately be a plus.
  42. I think the use of the web in lectures was added a new dimension to the class. Individuals usually respond to different media as far as learning goes.I happen to be a visual learner and the animations, diagrams,bright colors all made it seem fun almost entertaining so it was easier for me to recall what I learned.
  43. For the most part, I found the use of the web really helpful. It's really convenient to have all course materials available whenever you need them. Some of the resources, like practice exams and self-quizzes, were very helpful. The reading quizzes helped me plan my studying better and (I think) that grade will help my final grade.
  44. Although I did not attend class that often, the use of the web while I was there was very useful. However, I did find that between the online quizzes, study guides, posted lecture notes, and then lecture, some of the material was too repetitive. I guess that's the idea though.
  45. Yes, I found using the web very useful partly because I didn't know much about using the web in this way so I learned from it. It was good to have it there because it was something that could be accessed at just about any time, and things like the sample lab write ups were very thorough as far as answering questions I had goes. I also appreciated the practice exams, and liked being able to get grades from the internet before we had class.
  46. I found it useful because the quizzes gave me an indication of what to focus on for tests, also the notes wee helpful so I could spend time in lecture listening instead of copying things down. The quizzes helped my grade because I had a very hard time with this class, not for lack of effort, though. The consistancy of my quizzes is going to help my grade.
  47. I liked the extensive use of the web...the animations were nice, but the handiest thing was having the notes online. It's a lot easier to study when you have a good grasp of more or less what you are responsible for. It also made it easier to sit back and listen to the lectures, instead of trying to scribble everything down.
  48. Yes i found the use of the web in lecture to be valuable. From my personal experience, I am slow at taking notes and picking up all the material given orally and by posting lecture on the web and referring to it in lecture has made it easier for me to follow along w/ the lecture w/ out feeling like I am missing out on some information. However, the negative aspect of having the use of the web in lecture makes the class seem predictable because if you print out the lecture ahead of time read it, and finished the study guides, lecture sometimes feels very repetitive and I feel that I don't learn more or newer material from lecture because of the notes available on web and the assignments.
  49. that was a nice way to have lecture set up. it was often easier to stay interested in class
  50. The web page was very useful. I liked being able to have everything that pertained to the course at my finger tips. However, I was a bit annoyed when sometimes the study guide was not posted with enough time to use it to take the quiz. I never picked the SG up in class because there are no spaces between the questions in order to write my answers down. So I would print them off the web so that I could add spaces between the questions. There were a number of times when the study guide wasn't available on the web in time.
  51. The online quizzes are certainly an effective way to get students prepared for lecture. I dont have any criticism really, but if you want to use them to differentiate students abilities rather than use them more to encourage better study habits, then they have to be more competitive. It depends on the objective. If the objective is the latter than its better to leave them as is. Personally, I like them less stressful.
  52. Yes. Sometimes it's difficult for myself to make sense of what exactly the book is trying to say. And other times the notes on the web are a little unclear. When using the web in class, it allows me to see how things actually happen. For example when you use the moving pieces of atp or showing how cells lyse. This type of information was unclear until you viewed it in lecture. Showing the notes on the overhead was not as beneficial. I learn more when taking notes than just looking at the notes. When you wrote on the board to explain a certain topic it was great. You have a great nack for explaining things, you should do more board work.
  53. Since you used the web in your lectures, I felt it was easier to follow you and understand what you were covering having the printed notes in front of me. Therefore, I didn't have to worry to write everything done. I could pay more attention to your lecture. jkanapicki
  54. I liked using the web in class for it allowed me to follow my notes i printed from the web, also the diagraphm's and illustration with animations helped me to understand the information alot better.
  55. yes it was good to have thenote in front of the class and in front of my self to make notes on them during lecture
  56. Yes I loved having the web being used in class. It changed up the normal learning experience and allowed me to stay more attentive. They also gave usefull information that I was able to recall later on when reveiwing the material for the exam. I espeacially thought that the motion diagrams were great and helped me get a grasp on the material you were teaching. The only suggestion that i can think of is to actually not show them in class for they do take up some lecture time and tell the students that attended the class about the internet site so they will bennefit from the material and not disrupt class.
  57. I found that that the use of the web in class was useful for certain situations. I feel that it was very benificial to help understand certain subjects through the pictures and animations that were used in class. Although, I don't feel that it was useful to go through the notes on the web while you were explaining them, personally I read all of the notes before taking the quiz and it seemed repetitive to see them exactly the same only twelve hours later.
  58. I loved having the web used extensively in class. Most importantly, it meant that if I wanted to, I would be able to recreate teh lecture in detail in my room. It also freed me from taking exhaustive notes, and allowed me to absorb more material in lecture since i was not busy trying to write down ever word.
  59. I believe that the web interaction was very helpful. Sometimes it made ideas much clearer because we actually got the chance to see a whole process taking place. It was animated which made the lecture much more positive. I would not make any modifications to this aspect of the lecture.
  60. yes, definately. i am an engineering student and probably spend at least 15 hours a week in the computer lab. so, it was never an inconvenience to get access to the web. and having everything available to me was definately nice. for example. after i read over the class notes on the web, i would then do all the questions from the study guide (which would basically make me read the text) then i would go online, take the practice quiz and then take the regular quiz. and if this were not enough, i get to hear it all again in class the next day. this is probably the best study habit i have ever had in my life. if not for this, i doubt i would have done as well in this course. for example, my organic chem class grade is based on 5 exams, with the lowest one dropped. that is it. no quizzes, no homework, nothing. so, i slack off big time until like a week or two before exams which makes that class a living hell. the approach for this course kept me well paced.
  61. I thought the use of the web was a good visual suppliment to lecture. It was easier to understand certain concepts that were hard to grasp with just lecture notes. A negative would be that your computer had to be equipped to handle several of the downloads.
  62. It was very useful because I always had well prepared notes for class everyday. I also didn't have to be concerned with note taking and could just listen to the lectures.
  63. Use of web was very valuable expecially to see videos and clips of biological mechanism, etc. However the constant change between web and board, lights on and off could sometimes get annoying. Overall, the web was very valuable to the learning experience. It was also nice to know that most information shown in class could be accessed again for review.
  64. it was a good source, because it gave a moving visual aid to some of the harder consepts. You could improve it by actually cutting down on some of the links because theres way to much to look at in a small amount of time.
  65. I thought that the use of the web in lecture was very helpful. It provided visual aids that made confuding concepts clearer.
  66. Yes I found the web use in class to be effective. I think the little video clips helped me to understand what was going on. I didn't really find any negative aspect to the web, i felt it was a good tool to use.
  67. I think that having the web resources such as lecture notes and announcement board available to us outside of the classroom was extremely valuable. However i think that overuse of the internet during lecture makes it more boring and harder to pay attention to. I felt that i learned much more in the class when the teaching was done of the board or overheads.
  68. I think the use of the web allows for not just verbal memorization but visual as well. Also, it makes the students see points about the class instead of just visualizing them in their heads. I don't have negative comments on the in class web use. I enjoyed that time and it allowed me to make something abstract into something real.
  69. Yes, being able to review nots in front of me since I print them out and then to have them said by you really helped with learning the material. Thank you for spending the time doing this for the students. As for any negative effects, well it's easy for some students to simply not come to class. This is a minority of students and more of us use the notes as a tool in class so I would hope that you would continue to use the on-line notes in class and not hinder the learning experiences of future 229 students over a few students who think they are getting away with not going to class.
  70. I liked the fact that you could get the lecture notes before the class. By you using the web and the student having the notes, it was easier to follow along and listen to what you were actually teaching us. Most of the time it is difficult to learn while trying to copy down notes as the professor is talking. With you using the web I didn't have that problem.
  71. I liked how you incorporated the use of the wed in the lecture as a supplement. the only concern was that there was alot that needed to be done for this class. I had two other science courses that needed the same attention but it was not possible since most of my energy was on the quizes and lab.
  72. The web use in the class provided good visuals for the materials that you were going over in class, so I think it was very usefull.
  73. I think that by using links to go to pages such as the Biology Place in order to give the class an interactive module or different illustration to look at, people who might have otherwise been clueless about the way that the book or notes explained abstract methods and concepts were able to better understand things. I do, however, think that it is a hassle to only be able to use "The Biology Place" for a weeks period. I think that we should get free access for as long as we are enrolled in the class. Limited access is one reason I did not access these resources because servers would be down and other technical errors would occur while I was trying to get onto the web pages.
  74. yes. I think it was very useful because it allowed us to be interactive with the material. Having the lecture notes on the web allowed me to listen more in class instead of worrying about trying to write down everything. The animation links within the notes were very helpful in understanding certain processes.
  75. Yes, I found it very useful. I think the web should be used as a learning resource in more classes at UCONN. I think it isn't used more because most professors don't want to put in the effort that would be required of them. I don't have any negative feelings about the WEB use.
  76. I loved being able to have the lecture notes in front of me, however, this became a reason that I blew off class much more than I should have. As much as I like your teaching style, watching your red laser pointer or the mouse highlighting words off of sheets was not a great way to start the day. The best was when you would expand upon the lecture notes by writing on the white board or by going to the links you had put in the notes... my suggestions to you::: perhaps not have the lecture notes on the web be as extensive as they are, thus encouraging students not to rely on them so heavily and more be like an outline of what we should know. i need to take notes to stay awake at a class that early in the morning, even when the professor is as enthusiastic about the material as you are. so perhaps less lenghthy notes for class, more like an outline that you add more to than you already do, giving us more responsibility as students.
  77. yes, I did find your use of the lecture notes posted on the webpage to be very useful during lecture. It helped me connect what I read to what you were talking about in class and the notes/examples you wrote on the board and the transparencies. The only thing I found a bit unnerving was the constant switch from a darkened room to a lighted room and the raising and lowering of the screen when switching from webpage projection to writing on the board to transparencies, but that really cannot be avoided.
  78. I thought the use of the web was very useful because it allowed pictures to be shown during class so we could understand better, but I think sometimes they didn't have all the information we were suppossed to know. I think the study guides should have more information about the asigned reading because sometimes it seemed like the lecture was very different from the assigned reading and quiz we took the night before
  79. Well, the use of the web was very useful because i could look at my notes and tes and see examples at the same time. I felt like the lecture was way more intersting than just a professor talking all the
  80. I found the use of the web in lecture very valuable. It was well organized and included helpful graphs and tables. However, a few graphs were somewhat small and were difficult to see from back raws.
  81. The web during lecture allowed for a much more interactive aproach to learning and should be encouraged in other classrooms especially as time goes on. I really re-enforced material.
  82. yes i thought it was very helpfull because of the visual images.
  83. Use of the web in lecture was helpful--especially when you showed links to animations and other microbiology resources. My only complaint about it is this: it's 8 o'clock in the morning, lights are out for most of the lecture, and I honestly found it very difficult to stay awake even thought I was very interested in the material.
  84. 1) It was great for me because a few years ago I broke my finger and it did not heal properly, making it hard for me to write rapidly. The web use makes it easier for me to keep up with the note taking in class. 2) Sometimes it was hard because I did not understand what you meant in the notes and when lecture came sometimes you would be in a crunch for time and skim over it and I was left not understanding what you meant. 3) The notes gave me an good idea of what you wanted covered. It also gave me a good idea of what type of examples you might have on an exam. I got a better understanding reading the notes then reading the book.
  85. Sometimes while printing out the lecture notes i did not take the time to use the attachments and so using these in class helped me to see things tthat i missed while reading on my own.
  86. I thought the web in lecture was very useful. The most ipmortant part probably being that it added a little different twist to thet lecture. It helped to keep me more interested in the lecture.
  87. I found use of the web to be valuable. I am a visual learner so I found it helpful to view diagrams and pictures that pertain to the topic that was being covered. I think that it would have been helpful to get more handouts of the overhead pictures shown in class. I like the movies too!
  88. it is xertainly beneficial to be able to see the material being discussed in front of you; diagrams were especially helpful
  89. I think the web used during lecture is a wonderful way to present the material. I enjoy it more than Powerpoint. It is very easy for you to give us a variety of diagrams and animations through the resources available on the web. Also, since we can have a copy right there in front of us, it is easy to follow along and pick out extra details you add in to each lecture.
  90. i thought that the webCT was very useful for learning the material of the course. I have another class that uses webCT and although there aren't quizzes up it is helpful to see how i am doing. I think havin the lecture notes avaiable before lectures is good because it provides a the base of the lecture and it is easier to keep up with adding material on and including detail rather than trying to write out everything all at once and hope that it all gets written dow
  91. I find that Prof. Terry was repeating much of the material that was being put on the Web. The extensive use took up a lot of time and I found that that I putting more time for just this class than for all my other classes.
  92. I belive the web is going to be a definitely large part of biology and in fact of science in general. Therefore its use in this class is a great preparation for the real world, as everyone involved in these disciplines should be adept at using and interpreting such formats of info.
  93. Yes. It was useful to have the lecture notes on the web to insure that I did not miss taking notes down in class. However, the font size of the lecture notes were rather large to print out, wasting paper and ink.
  94. I think they were excellent when I went to class. However, many days I did not attend because I knew I could get all of the material on the web. When I did go, I usually brought the notes and followed along with the lecture. This allowed me to quickly make notes of important topics without having to furiously write down everything the professor said. It is much more beneficial to concentrate on learning the material in lecture rather then concentrate on writing everything down.
  95. Certainly it can be very entertaining. However, when it comes to retaining the material from lecture, it is always your very animated in person examples - (i.e. writing on the board, or demonstrating run vs. tumble)that I retain as they permit access into the thought process of the concept. Canned material can often be as thoughtless as watching television.
  96. The use of the web is effective in that we could follow along with your lectures since we had the hard copy in front of us. Also, a lot of the animations linked to the lecture notes really enabled an understanding of the material. The computer diagrams are also often more clearly understood than drawings on the blackboard. Overall, the web was an extensive and invaluable source for information.
  97. I think it was a very valuable asset. Some times I would have been confused about something on the notes and when it was explained in class the problem was easy to see. In other classes I might be confused about a problem and since the professor is not lectureing off of what he wanted us to really focus on I would not know if he or she was talking about the samething. One thing you might want to add is you always say that the lecture might differ from what is in your notes. you do write on the board other notes but it would be even easier if you had your completed notes on the computer while in class.
  98. I enjoyed the use of the web in lecture. The way that the lectures were set up made the web a useful resource. It took the stress off of trying to scramble and write everything down during lecture. With the web notes in front of me I was able to focus on understanding the material. I also like the animations. It was also good that you did not read from the web notes like many professors will.
  99. Honestly, i did not attend lecture as often as I should have but when I did, I found that the use of Internet Resources and visual aids in lectures helped make it so much more interesting than any other class that I have taken here.
  100. I enjoy using the internet. I never had to force myself to take quizes or to look at the material on the web. It is also the best way to keep people informed of what is going on and what changes have been made. It might help to post an outline of what the actual class material was. The material on the web tended to go in one direction while the lecture sometimes strayed in another. Overall it is a good thing to use with classes and I would like to see omre classes offer their information on the internet.
  101. I found the extensive use of the web to be very valuable. Often, I would forget to pick up study guides in class, and I found them easily on the web. The online quizzes made me keep up with my work and were valuable, but I think it might have been more useful to only have one quiz a week that is available all week because often I would just get frustrated at the amount of time that was absolutely required for the reading. Even though the quizes prevented me from procrastinating with my work, many times I felt that I had to sacrifice other classes for this one. This is not because I don't do a lot of school work. I usually study for about 8 hours a day for all courses combined, so two lecture quizes and one lab quiz plus labs due is very time consuming for one class for one week. Lecture notes were helpful with organizing ideas, but it was the study guides that made the most difference because there is a lot of information in the book and the study guides pointed out where to focus my attention.
  102. Sometimes the information is very interesting, but in terms of the exams the web stuff was not necessarily beneficial. In other words you would'nt get an A on the exam because you checked out some of the web links. I know for a fact that many people did not go to lecture because the notes were posted. maybe if you handed out the notes in class rather than posted them on the web that would boost class attendence.
  103. The use of the web in lectures was very valuable. It helped wrap up and clairify the lecture notes on the web. All classes should be set up like this class to help students better understand the material being taught.
  104. Yes, the use of the web in class was valuable, but I honestly don't think that I attended lecture enough to be able to comment any further.
  105. The web lecture was very useful in helping to retain what was taught in class. By being able to review the notes after the lecture (and sometimes before the lecture), more time was able to be spent listening to the lecture rather than busying ourselves in taking notes. One negative aspect of this, however, was that I felt more inclined to skip lecture since I knew most of what will be covered is on the internet.
  106. Yes, the web lectures are very helpful. i print the lecture notes privious to class. it helps me to follow the lecture. i regard to the note when i cannot regconized your words--because of the English language difficulties. using the notes allow me to jot down whatever i find necessary.
  107. i really liked how you used the web for the lectures. i was really impressed with how well you set things up. the links in the notes were also very helpful for me. i think that it is a great way of conducting lecture, and that more professors should use it.