Catabolism: Fermentation & Respiration

Reading: Chapter 9 in Prescott et al, Microbiology 4th Ed.
Last revised: Wednesday, January 5, 2000
Note: These lecture notes were not written, and should not be used, as a substitute for the lecture. Notes are presented here only as an aid to students who missed lecture, or whose notes may be incomplete in certain particulars.

If you wish a record of these notes, you may save them as a text file and use them on your own computer, or print them in the computer lab (see lab supervisor for details).

Copyright 1999. Thomas M. Terry

Breakdown of glucose to pyruvate

1. Embden-Meyerhof (glycolytic) pathway (see handout)

2. Entner-Doudoroff pathway (see handout)

Problem: what do with electrons removed by oxidation reactions?

The critical role of NAD and other temporary electron carriers

NADH (and NADPH) are present in very small amounts. Unless quickly oxidized back to NAD+ (or NADP+), will stop all further oxidation reactions that need these as coenzymes.

Must find some terminal electron acceptor to get rid of electrons ---> waste products to be excreted from cell. What are options?

Solution 1: Fermentation

Lactic acid fermentation

Alcoholic fermentation (2 steps)

Note: WWI -- German biochemist Neuberg solved critical problem of glycerol shortage caused by Allied blockade, needed for explosives.

Add sodium bisulfite to fermenting yeast; adds to acetaldehyde, blocks its use as electron acceptor. Yeasts adapt, use DHAP as electron acceptor, produce glycerol-3-phosphate, then glycerol as waste product.

Formic acid and mixed acid fermentations

useful in identification: 2 common variants
  1. Mixed acid fermentation: some bacteria use several pathways, produce ethanol, formic acid, acetic acid, lactic acid, succinic acid, CO2, and H2. Note lots of acid, lower pH than many other fermentations.

    Note: ATP yield via mixed acid is ~2.5 ATP/glucose, a bit higher than straight lactic acid fermentation

  2. Butanediol fermentation: butanediol produced, also much more CO2, and H2

Why not get rid of hydrogen directly as H2 gas?

Roles of fermentation in nature

What substances can be fermented?

Solution 2: Respiration

Electron transport system (ETS)

Specific carriers of ETS:

  1. mitochondria (in eucaryotes): NADH ---> (Flavoprotein ---> Iron sulfur proteins ---> Quinone ---> cytochrome b ---> cytochrome c ---> cytochrome a ---> cytochrome a3 ---> oxygen
  2. bacteria (prokaryotes) have different ETS carriers, shorter chains. In E. coli, can have two different terminal oxidases, one functions at high oxygen levels, one at lower oxygen levels. Cytochromes involved include: b558, b595, b562, d, and o

proton gradient and oxidative phosphorylation (oxphos)

Chemiosmotic hypothesis (Peter Mitchell, 1961)

differences between respiration in mitochondria (eucaryotes) and bacteria (procaryotes)

  1. In Eukaryotes:
    • ETS located in inner mitochondrial membrane. Proton gradient develops across inner mitochondrial membrane.
    • Mitochondria are very efficient at generating proton gradient. Can measure how many ~P bonds (in ATP) are made for each O2 consumed = P/O ratio.
    • With NADH as electron donor, P/O ratio can be 3 (means 3 ATP made per NADH).
    • But with FADH as electron donor, P/O ration only 2 (fewer protons are transported, less proton gradient).
    • Overall efficiency of respiration in mitochondria: ~ 40% (means that about 40% of energy in glucose actually gets converted to ATP).
  2. In Prokaryotes:
    • ETS located in cytoplasmic membrane. Proton gradient develops across this membrane.
    • Bacteria are not as efficient. ETS chains are shorter, P/O ratios are lower.
    • As a ballpark estimate, P/O ratios for NADH are only ~2. Overall efficiency of glucose oxidation is closer to 28%, not 40%.

Inhibitors of Oxidative Phosphorylation

Anaerobic respiration:

Examples of anaerobic respiration:

  1. Nitrate (NO3-).
    • Process called denitrification. Also called dissimilative nitrate reduction. Reduced waste products are excreted in significant amounts.
    • Redox potential is + 0.42 v (compared to + 0.82 v for oxygen). So organisms respiring anaerobically gain less energy than with oxygen.
    • Requires new terminal oxidase called nitrate reductase. Enzyme is repressed by oxygen, synthesis turned on in absence of oxygen.
    • Process can have several steps, proceed in two different directions:
      1. (A) nitrate (NO3-) ---> nitrite (NO2-) ---> ---> ---> ammonia (NH3)
      2. (B) nitrate (NO3-) ---> nitrite (NO2-) ---> nitrous oxide (N2O) ---> ---> dinitrogen gas (N2)
    • Second process is major pathway for loss of nitrogen compounds from soil, return of nitrogen to atmosphere.
    • Pseudomonas species are common denitrifiers, widespread in soils. When fertilized soils become flooded, oxygen is rapidly depleted, pseudomonads switch to anaerobic respiration and can use up soil nitrate, leaving field in unfertile state.
    • Note: Studied this in lab. Media must contain nitrate in addition to nutrients, otherwise won't work. Also, in scavenger hunt at end of course, one target microbe will be Pseudomonas, enrichment culture depends on its ability to grown anaerobically using nitrate reduction.
  2. 2. Sulfate (SO42-).
    • Process called sulfate reduction.
    • Sulfate (SO42-) ---> ---> ---> ---> Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
    • Small group of bacteria carry out this reaction; all obligate anaerobes.
    • Have unique cytochrome c3.
    • Sulfate is common in seawater. Often, H2S combines with iron, forms insoluble FeS ----> black sediments. Common in estuaries.
  3. 3. Carbon dioxide (CO2).
    • One of most common inorganic ions.
    • Methanogens: most important group of CO2 reducers. Obligate anaerobes, archaebacteria. Produce methane as waste product.
    • Reaction: CO2 + H2 + H+ ---> CH4 + H2O
    • Note: reaction also requires Hydrogen gas. Methanogens typically live alongside bacteria that produce hydrogen by fermentation, remove hydrogen as it is made.

TCA cycle: further catabolism of pyruvate

formation of acetyl-CoA

net effects of TCA cycle (see handout)

Catabolism of substances other than glucose

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