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Young corn plants in reduced tillage field

Most of the corn germ plasm in use in the USA today is derived from mixtures of only two major races. The simplest means of correcting this situation and of increasing the genetic diversity in this important crop is to introduce unrelated sources of germ plasm, most of which are found in the tropics and subtropics. To do this intelligently and efficiently is a formidable task. There is a vast store of corn germ plasm outside the USA which differs greatly in its potential usefulness within the USA. Though our knowledge of the races of corn found in the tropics and subtropics is still incomplete, the knowledge which is available should, if used, simplify the task of reducing the genetic vulnerability of our most important feed grain.

Major Goodman, 1988, "Races of Corn (Amer. Soc. Agron. Monograph 18)"

A Maize KernelMaize genome research has received strong support in 1998 from the National Science Foundation's Plant Genome Research Program. Eight projects, ranging from 2 to 5 years duration, have received funding of approximately $35.9 million U. S. for work directly related to maize. Genomics is the study of the structure and function of genes, and requires the integration of molecular biology and computational methods. See the official NSF list of awards to review project abstracts and recipients.

A Maize Kernel MaizeDB is THE database to consult for scientific information relating to corn. Officially, it is the database of the National Corn Genome Initiative. However, the keepers of MaizeDB are obsessive catalogers and it will be a rare piece of maize-related information that you won't be able to find here. Comprehensive searches can be performed to locate information about genes, traits, probes, associated literature and researchers. Images accompany many of their entries. Includes: Access to mapping information, images of the MG Neuffer mutants, on-line access to recent issues of the Maize Genetics Cooperative Newsletter and links to a number of servers of interest to maize scientists

A Maize Kernel National Corn Genome Initiative. It is supported by private agri-businesses, public sector organizations, the National Corn Growers Association, the Critical Technologies Partnership, and trade associations, and calls for the provision of Federal funding to map the corn genome. Such a program is viewed as being critical to the long-term viability and sustainability of U.S. agriculture, with additional significant impact in the areas of health and the environment.

A Maize KernelThe Germplasm Enhancement of Maize project is a cooperative effort of the United States Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service, land-grant universities, and industry. The objective: widen the germplasm base of commercial hybrid corn in the United States through the introduction and incorporation of novel and useful germplasm gathered from around the globe.

A Maize Kernel The Maize Sequence Analysis Project, from the Univ. of Arizona and the Univ. of Minnesota Plant Molecular Informatics Center. Includes cDNA sequences and protocols for maize gene cloning

A Maize KernelVisit Virginia Walbot's "amaizing' laboratory at Stanford University and read updates about the ways in which they use the Mu transposon to understand the developmental biology of maize and decipher the relationship between gene sequence and function.

A Maize Kernel The USDA's North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station. Their collection of maize germplasm is maintained right here in Ames. Their accessions are particularly strong in maize land races from both the United States and Mexico, and include all major races of teosinte

A Maize Kernel The International Center for Maize and Wheat Improvement (CIMMYT) offers access to one of the largest collections of maize germplasm, and a global network of researchers focused on maize improvement

A Maize Kernel The Maize Genetics Cooperation - Stock Center offers electronic access to information about its collection of genetic stocks. An on-line order form is also available for making stock requests. The materials in the collection are obtained primarily from cooperators in the maize research community. Read the fascinating history of this group of scientists obsessed with maize; a model for interinstitutional cooperation.

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