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Key to Cycad Genera
(The smaller genera also have keys to species; click on the genus name to view. For the larger genera--
i.e., Cycas, Encephalartos, and Zamia--the link will take you to Ken Hill's keys in The Cycad Pages.)

1 Leaves bipinnate
Leaves pinnate
Go to 2
2 Leaflets with a prominent midrib
Leaflets lacking a prominent midrib
Go to 3
Go to 5
3 Leaflet margins entire, lateral veins absent
Leaflet margins irregular or toothed, lateral veins present
Go to 4
4 Lateral veins arising at right angle to midrib
Lateral veins arising at acute angle to midrib
5 Leaflets attached to upper surface of rhachis
Leaflets attached to margins of rhachis
Go to 6
6 Swollen, often colorful small patch of callous tissue at base of upper
leaflet margin
Colorful callous tissue absent from the base of upper leaflet margin

Go to 7
7 Leaflets not jointed to rhachis, cataphylls present on cone stalk
Leaflets jointed to rhachis, cataphylls absent on cone stalk
Go to 8
Go to 9
8 Sporophyll ends faceted, seeds attached directly to sporophyll, leaflets
weakly decurrent on rhachis
Sporophyll ends not faceted, seeds attached to sporophylls by a basal
stalk, leaflets strongly decurrent on rhachis


9 Leaflets reflexed, prickles absent on petiole and rhachis
Leaflets spreading, prickles present or absent on petiole and rhachis
Go to 10
10 Sporophylls with two horns, leaflets entire
Sporophylls lacking horns, leaflets with teeth or entire

Note: All keys in this chapter that are housed on this site are adapted from Jones, D. L. 
1993. Cycads of the World. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C.

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