Bee HyperAttractive

You should have read the information sheet about bees before coming to class. This is a computer exercise in pollination biology. Why computers in biology? Bees are very dangerous to could be fatal for some of you. Computer bees are harmless "bugs." Moreover, we can vary the computer flowers without having a huge collection of expensive real flowers on hand all at the perfect stage of readiness for pollination! You will design the specifications for two flowers and present them to a bee. The bee will visit each flower a certain number of times based upon how attractive you have made the flower and upon the temperature you have set. You will record the temperature, the characteristics of the two flowers and the number of visits to each flower. Your goal is to be able to answer the following questions using real experiments and the data you have collected. When you are asked to explain your results, be sure to point out the experiments (by number!) that were critical in making your decisions! You must attach and hand in both your answers and explanations as well as your data recording sheets at the end of the period.

Keep all other variables constant, but change the color of the flower. Experiments: #_____-#_____

What is the most attractive color of flower?red       yellow       white       blue       purple
What is the least attractive color of flower?red       yellow       white       blue       purple

Repeat the experiments at the other two possible temperatures. Experiments: #_____-#_____

Notice which colors are now the favorites and which are now the least preferred.
Do bees change their color preferences as temperature is increased?yes       no
Why are bees attracted to some colors and not to others?



Set both flowers to the best color.

Then, holding all other variables the same, change the fragrance: Experiments: #_____-#_____
What is the most attractive fragrance?sweet       spicy       acrid       fetid
What is the least attractive fragrance?sweet       spicy       acrid       fetid

Repeat the experiments at the other two possible temperatures. Experiments: #_____-#_____

Notice which fragrances are now the favorites and which are now the least preferred.
Do bees change their fragrance preferences as temperature is increased?yes       no

If necessary, perform an experiment to test : Experiment: #_____
If a flower is the wrong color and produces no fragrance, will a bee visit at all?yes       no

Set both flowers to the best fragrance as well as the best color.

Then, design a few experiments to determine: Experiments: #_____-#_____
What is the most preferred nectar at 30 degrees?watery       sweet       sugary       bitter
What is the most preferred nectar at 20 degrees?watery       sweet       sugary       bitter
What is the most preferred nectar at 10 degrees?watery       sweet       sugary       bitter
What nectar is least preferred?watery       sweet       sugary       bitter
Why do bees prefer certain types of nectar at different temperatures?



Leave both flowers at the best color and fragrance. Set the temperature to 10 degrees. Set the nectar to its best state for 10 degrees.

Then, perform a few experiments to test: Experiments: #_____-#_____
What is the most preferred pollen at 10 C?dry       clumped       sticky       wet
What is the least preferred pollen at 10 C?dry       clumped       sticky       wet

Repeat the experiments at the other two possible temperatures, but be sure to set the best nectar state for these temperatures!! Experiments: #_____-#_____

Notice which pollen types are now the favorites and which are now the least preferred.
At what temperature is wet pollen most acceptable?C
Why do the bees accept it then?




If a flower produces neither a nectar nor pollen reward, will a bee visit at all?yes       no
Will the bee make a return visit to such a flower?yes       no

Perform any additional tests needed to answer the following questions. If you have not actually tested the optimal combination, DO IT!

What is the optimal combination of flower characteristics at 10 degrees? Experiment #_____

color__________ fragrance__________ nectar__________ pollen__________

What is the optimal combination of flower characteristics at 20 degrees? Experiment #_____

color__________ fragrance__________ nectar__________ pollen__________

What is the optimal combination of flower characteristics at 30 degrees? Experiment #_____

color__________ fragrance__________ nectar__________ pollen__________

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