ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 6082
Poster No. = 77


Camara, M. P. S. 1,2, Palm, M. E. 1,2 and Stewart, E. L. , (1USDA, Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory, Beltsville, MD 20705 USA, 2The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 USA)

The genus Paraphaeosphaeria (Loculoascomyetes) was described as a segregate of Leptosphaeria for species producing ascospores with rounded ends, a submedian primary septum, an inflated cell above the primary septum, and producing a Coniothyrium anamorph. This study evaluated the taxonomic value of the morphological characters, host occurrence, ecology, and anamprphs in relation to DNA sequence data in order to establish a monophyletic generic concept. Nine species of Paraphaeosphaeria were characterized morphologically. The ITS and 18S regions of the rDNA were sequenced and gene trees were inferred. Sequence analyses of both regions prduced cladograms with identical topologies providing strong support for paraphyly of this genus. Cultural studies indicated diversity of associated anamorphs. Based on these analyses, the concept of Paraphaeosphaeria will be narrowed to reflect a monophyletic generic concept. Characters such as spore septation and method of conidiogenesis were found to be predictive of relatedness.

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