ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 5884
Poster No. = 2087


M. Talaat El-Saidi, Botany Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt

The main interest of this work is to find out new approaches to improve salt tolerance in some important crop plants. Salt tolerance varies with plant age, e.g., plants tend to be more sensitive to salinity during the early vegetative stage of growth. On the other hand, the plants become increasingly more tolerant as they mature. Salinity affects most plant organs and major physiological processes such as: the uptake and the transport of ions, cell permeability, growth metabolic processes, and hormonal balance, which are investigated in this work. Trials are successfully conducted to introduce new strains of Rhizobia and Azotobacter, which are tolerant to various abiotic stresses.

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