ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 5872
Poster No. = 2408


Vera A. Achundova & Ekateriva O. Korolkova, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia.

Today the search of wild plants bearing economic propeties is still continuing. We aimed to determine real and potential productivity of wild-growing Vicia L. species in order to use them in the creation (by hybridization) of more productive sorts. V.macrocarpa Moris., V.grandiflora Scop., V.lutea L., V.michauxii Spreng., V.narbonensis L. were studied in comparison with cultivated species - V.sativa. V.marrocarpa and V.grandiflora were found to have the largest shoot production potentiality, the shoot production potentiality of V.macrocarpa and V.narbonensis is mostly fully realized. The largest fruit and seed production potentiality belongs to V.grandiflora but it is mostly fully realized in V.grandiflora, V.macrocarpa, V.lutea and V.narbonensis. V.narbonensis can be used to create forms with erect shoots.

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