ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 5575
Poster No. = 1120


Weber, Martina & Ralf Buchner, Dept. Ultrastruct. Res. & Electron Microscopy, Inst. Bot., University Vienna, Austria

PalDat is a palynological database, developed in MS Access 97. The database includes a detailed description of the pollen grain (34 different criteria), images (LM, SEM, TEM), literature on each genus, and an illustrated terminology with photographs. Throughout the database standardized descriptive terms are used. Search forms allow to query the database in any combination of pollen grain characters, including images and literature. Moreover, a number of printouts are available, e.g., standardized pollen grain description, literature and images for each genus, family-key, herbarium labels etc. There is no limitation in database size, since picture files are not part of the database itself, but can be called up from any hard disk, CD-ROM or network drive.

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