ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 5426
Poster No. = 383


Masanobu Tara, Faculty of Education, Okayama Univ., Tsushima-Naka 3-1-1, Okayama - Shi 700-8530, Japan.

The plants of Asterinae distribute in almost all areas in the world, which include various species. On Japanese ones were investigated taxonomically by S. Kitamura (1937), T. Makino (1940) and J. Ohwi (1983) etc., but the herbariums were not shown. Some of them, such as Aster ageratides subsp. ovatus and Kalimeris incisa etc. were drastically analyzed cytologically by M. Tara (1972, 1996). The 8 species Kalimeris native in East Asia were also studied systematically by G. Hongya (1985). Most species, however, were not necessarily analyzed not only cytologically but also morphologically and distributionally. In the present study, Aster ageratoides Turcz, and the other Aster 39 species, Asteromoea mongolica, Gymnaster koraiensis and the other 2 Gymnaster species, Heteroppappus altaicus Willd, and the other 6 species, and Kalimeris indica and the other 5 species native in East Asia were analyzed morphologically and distributionally, and the herbariums were shown. Of these, Aster trinervius was presented here.

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