ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 5188
Poster No. = 1050


Elizondo V. Rey, Jardinera #8, Querétaro, Qro., 76160, Mexico

Bibliographical research on vascular plants of the world of 100 books of more than 100 botanists for the last 100 years yields a table with more than 500 recognized Latin family names, arranged in alphabetical order. Forty pages each with fifty one columns, listing all the families, cross referenced to determine which families have been studied by each author. The table indicates, intrinsically, the frequency of study for each family and allows the location of any genera in the texts considered. It also shows the synonyms, transformations or variants of the family names. A series of recommendations will be discussed in an effort to encourage further research and knowledge to aid in identification. In addition, a similar empty table, just with the alphabetical Latin list of the families and empty columns is a useful tool that will allow any researcher, expert, professional, student, technician, gardener or amateur to fill out the form with their own texts to easily and rapidly locate any family and genera. This empty table or listing is available and will be updated for the Congress.

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