ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 5153
Poster No. = 1541


E.I. Rachkovskaya, Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction, Kazakhstan

In 1995 the Vegetation map of Kazakhstan and Middle Asia (within desert zone) of 1:2,500,000 scale was published. This map represents natural regularities in distribution of the vegetation cover, latitudinal (zonal and subzonal) changes on the plains, changes of altitudinal belts in the mountains depending on hydrothermic regime (correlation between heat and moisture). Longitudinal differences of the vegetation, depending on degree of climate continentality and regime of humification are shown on the map. Interrelation between vegetation and soil distribution (edaphic variants) were disclosed. Complex structure of vegetation cover was shown by the system of territorial (phytohorological) units. The legend to the map consists of two parts: textual and tabular. There are 595 mapped units and 66 supplementary symbols in the tabular part. They designate both typical and rare plant communities. The explanatory text, legend, glossary, list of cartographic sources used for compiling the map are published in the book supplementing the map.

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