ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 4949
Poster No. = 175


S. G. Nanagulian, L. L.Osipian, M. G. Taslakhchian , Department of Biology, Yerevan State University, Manoukian str. 1, 375049, Yerevan, Armenia

Armenia involves the opulence and originality of fungal biota. In the Republic it has been revealed 4166 species of macro- and micromycetes, referring to the divisions Myxomycota and Eumycota. Divisions Myxomycota includes 44 species, Eumycota are spread in 5 subdivisions: Mastigomycotina (125 species), Zygomycotina (140), Ascomycotina (960), Basidiomycotina (1144), Deuteromycotina (1753). Biodiversity of fungi involves parasitic representatives and saprotrophic fungi refering to soil micromycetes (550 species), from macromycetes - xylotrophs (500), humus and litter saprotrophs (380) and other ecologo-trophical groups. Composition of water fungi numbers 200 species. It has been revealed 25 species of predatory fungi. From 1182 species macroscopic fungi 284 are edible, and 59-poisonous. It has been examined specific fungal groups-inducers of mycosis in man, fungi-destructors of forage and foodstuffs, industrial materials, cosmetics (270). On the bases of obtained data a multivolume edition Fungi of Armenia is being published, out of which 7 volumes have been already published.

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