ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 4921
Poster No. = 2456


Musaelian M.S., Gambarian P.P., Reva-sova L.V. Institute of Botany, Yerevan.

A. pseudalhagi is growing on claing slightly saline soils, on sandy abandoning soils in irrigating regions, it is meeting as an astringent. This is perennial herb, 15-100 cm height. Flowers are red with various colours. Roots are to 20 m depth. Chemical consistens: alkaloids, vitamins C, K, B, carotins, cumarins, organic acids, essential oil, caoulchouk, flavonoids. The influence: bacteriostatic, hemostatic and astringent. The use: the decoction and the influence have a diuretic, purgative properties, the decoction is used for curing of chronic tonsillitis, it is effective in the curing of hemorrhoids, disintery, ulcer of stomach and gastritis, as well as phthous stomatogingivits. The green beans are used in food, and seeds are used as a species-aromatic raw material. Manna is a substitute of sugar. The plant is perspective as madical and food-industrial. Resources can provided Armenia by raw materials.

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