ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 4793
Poster No. = 514


D.Q. Lu, Northwest Institute of Botany, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi, China

Caryophyllaceae 75(80) genus 2400 species on world, 30 gen. (endemic 1) ca. 400 sp. (endemic 176) in China, belong to Paronychioideae, Alsinoideae, and Silenoideae, most distribute in the north and west. Single specific gen.13, few specific gen. 8 (2-4 sp.). Pseudostellaria 9 sp. (endemic 2), Minuartia 8, Lychnis 8. Dianthus 17 (endmic 1 sp. 6 var.), Gypsophila 18 (endemic 4), and Cerastium 22 (endemic 9) most locate in Xinjiang. Stellaria 64 (endemic 26), Arenaria 104 (endemic 74), and Silene 112 (endemic 62) concentrate in the southwest and northwest. It is their centre of differentiation. Area type of genus: 1.Cosmoplitan: Spergularis, Polycarpon, Stellaria. 2. Pantropic: Drymaria, Polycarpaea. 3. North Temperate: Spergula, Moehringia, Sagina, Minuartia. 4. N. Temp. & S. Temp. disjuncted: Cerastium, Arenaria, Silene. 5. Old World Temp.: Myosoton, Holosteum, Agrostemma, Lychnis, Cucubalus, Vaccaria, Dianthus, Saponaria. 6. Mediterranea, W. Asia to C. Asia: Gymnocarpos, Lepyrodiclis, Petrorhagia, Acanthophyllum, Gypsophila, 7. Eurasia & S.Africa disjuncted: Herniaria. 8. Temp. Asia: Pseudostellaria. 9. C. Asia to Himalaya: Thylacospermum. 10. Sino-Himalaya: Brachystemma. 11. Endemic to China: Psammosilene.

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