ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 4595
Poster No. = 1069


Olga P. Kamelina, Komarov Botanical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The embryological features can be diagnostic for taxa of all ranks - from the order up to a species, besides they can also testify to primitiveness or advances of researched taxon (on criteria, accepted for these features), and about naturality of taxon. Basic embryological features can be indicate levels of morphological structure, demonstrate the differences of evolutional routes of taxa. Deciding importance in determination of a rank of taxon and it affinity, no less than the position in system, can have different embryological features or their set in each particular case. In my investigation embryological features are diagnostic for Malacocarpus crithmifolius, Stachys trinervis, Ostrowskia magnifica, for Nandina, Eupomatia, Stegnosperma, Brexia, Ixerbia, Nitraria, Cneorum, Tetradiclis, Davidia Morina, Biebersteinia genera, Daphniphyllaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Lowiaceae, Pittosporaceae, Fouquieriaceae families, orders of Dipsacales, Saxifragales, Tamaricales, Caryophyllales, Begoniales, Zingiberales, and others. The comparative-embryological analysis is recommended to apply as one of the methods of phylogenetical systematics of plants.

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