ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 4477
Poster No. = 580


R. M. A. P. Haegens, Rijksherbarium, P.O. Box 9514, nl-2300 RA, Leiden, The Netherlands

A monographic revision of the southeast Asiatic genus Baccaurea leads to the following conclusions. Presently 43 species are recognised, a serious reduction of the number of species. Two new genera are recognised, both within the subtribe of the Scepinae. The phylogenetic analyses are based on macromorphological and leaf-anatomical characters. Twelve most parsimonious cladograms are found, of which the strict consensus is well resolved. Ensuing conclusions are that Baccaurea, Maesobotrya, and one of the new genera form together a sister group to Aporosa. Relationships of many species in Baccaurea were obscure, whereas well-substantiated now. Sections in Baccaurea were ill defined. No substantial well-supported basal clades are obtained in this study, therefore. The biogeographic analyses are still in an initial phase.

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