ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 4383
Poster No. = 1017


Elena Glazkova, Department of Botany, St.-Petersburg State University

The islands of the eastern Gulf of Finland (Gogland, Tuters, Malyj, Seskar, Moschnyj, etc.) are very interesting in botanical aspect. The results of floristic research allow to make a conclusion about the richness (721 species) and originality of their flora. This is due to the isolation of the islands, warming influence of the sea, the history of development of the islands flora and diversity of habitats (coastal meadows, bogs, forests, lakes, rocks, dunes).The climate is conductive to spreading of northern elements of flora (Empetrum hermafroditum, Phleum alpinum). On the other hand, southern elements (Crambe maritima, Sanicula europaea, Galium shultesii) occur there due to mild winters. The flora of the coasts and rocks are especially interesting (Ammophila arenaria, Cochlearia danica, Sedum annuum, S. sexangulare, S. album, Woodsia ilvensis, Asplenium septentrionale, A. trichomanes). The islands are rich in rare and protected plants. Natural coasts are very rare in Europe and haveinternational significance.

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