ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 4214
Poster No. = 1115


Ding Tuoya, Kunming Institute of Botany, The Academy of Sciences of China, Kunming, People's Republic of China

Applying the technology of computer database, I established the databases of Salicaceae and Polygonaceae. Now, cooperated with Professor Wu Zhengyi, we established the database of Chinese Seed plants (it contains information of all Chinese seed plants taxon and their distribution). In my database system, all of those inflexible materials become movable information, so that all the statistics and conclusion works can be done by the computer. Thus, we can get different kinds of information from two directions. For instance, so long as you click the name of the taxon, you can find all information of the taxon such as their distribution, all the specimens in China and its usage, chemical composition etc. In the other direction, so long as you click the Chinese name of a place such as a province or a county, or the usage etc., even the field number of a specimen, you can get a list of the taxon in the place, or a list of the taxon which have the usage etc.

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