ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 4128
Poster No. = 2359


Joaquina A. Albán Castillo, Ethnobotany and Economic Botany Department. Natural History Museum. Av. Arenales 1256. Lince. P.O. 140434. Lima 14 Peru

The present study try to determine ethnomedicine species more frequently used by Lima and Ancash settlers, its tradicionall botany clasification current state of conservation and comercialization. The places studied were Lima (surrender communities), Huarochiri (San Pedro de Casta) Huachupampa, and San Juan de Iris communities), Huaylas(Pamparomas and Pueblo Libre). Periodical trips were programmed considering seasonal characteristic in order to determine both species phenological atate and settler ethnobotany knowledge through surveys, and having support and participation of both men and women of different ages. It is reported 107 plant families between vascular (98) and no vascular (9) grouped in 826 species. 90% corresponds to dicotyledonous, 6.6% to monocotyledonous, 0.4% to gymnospermous and 3% to pterydophyto. 51% (421 species) of whole are used by settlers as medicine. The Knowledge acquired about the use of these species 80% was via oral women and mother's club in each place.

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