ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 4109
Poster No. = 430


Simone Cristina Miranda Cabral1, Maria de Fátima Agra1 & Lúcia G. Lohmann2, 1LTF, Caixa Postal 5009, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil, 2Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. Box 299, Saint Louis, MO, USA

This project constitutes on a systematic evaluation of the family Bignoniaceae Juss. from the Pico do Jabre, a 1.200m tall mountain that corresponds to the highest peak in the northeastern portion of Brazil. The area consists of an enclave of the serrana thicket, and is caracterized by a semideciduos and subxerophytic vegetation. Field work in the area was conducted between January 1997 and July 1998. The plant materials collected were deposited at JPB and MO herbaria. The Bignoniaceae are represented in the area by Amphilophium paniculatum (L.) HBK. var. paniculatum, Anemopaegma aff. citrinum Mart. ex DC., Arrabidaea parviflora (Mart. ex DC.) Bur. & K. Schum., Arrabidaea sp., Clytostoma binatum (Thumb.) Sandw., Cuspidaria lateriflora (Mart.) DC., Macfadyena unguis-cati (L.) A. Gentry, Pithecoctenium crucigerum (L.) HBK., Pyrostegia venusta (Ker-Gawl.) Miers., and Tabebuia impetiginosa (Mart. ex DC.) Standl.

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