ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 4064
Poster No. = 179


G.P. Kashevarov and O.B. Blum, Central Botanical Garden, National Academy of Science, Timiryazevskaya str.1, 252014 Kiev, Ukrane

Genetic variability in geographically widespread sterile lichen Lasallia pustulata (L.) Merat both within and among four distinct geographically isolated populations from Ukraine (Donetsk, Nikolaev regions, Crimea and Carpathians) where examined by PCR-method. PCR-fingerprints which were produced with rDNA primers showed the absence of qualitative differences between the above mentioned L. pustulata populations. These differences consist of quantitative variations of main bands and the presence or absence minor bands. The most interesting PCR-fingerprints were produced by using Bt2a-Bt2b primers. In this case we observed the high level of individual-specific and the species-specific nu-SSU bands. The level of genetic variability between geographically various populations of L. pustulata are more significant, than among them. This research was supported by grant of Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

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