ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 3993
Poster No. = 1038


Isa Baitulin Institute of Botany and Pytointroduction 480090,Almaty City, Kazakhstan

The Altai represents origin mountain with peculiar history and very rich biodiversity. Until 1948 here was marked for all huge Altai country only 1800 species of vascular plants. Even during of the incomplete research by us only for Kazakhstan Altai registered 2313 of species. It consists near 40% from total Kazakhstan flora. The endemics or subendemics are 239 species, that consist 10% from total flora composition. Here from 1983 was discovered and described 21 new species. First for Kazakhstan Altai was registered 239 species of mosses like. Still not enough studied the flora of some Altai ranges. There are quite many of endemic species. And so, the Altai and Kazakhstan Altai especially are one from another source of intensive species formation. It formation died out at the expense of penetration of the elements from different flora origin regions. But most close connection it has with boreal flora of Euro-Asia and Golarctica. Continuation of the researches gives quite many new finds, interesting information about origin of the flora.

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