ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 3772
Poster No. = 1333

Will Current Water Control Practices Allow Mississippi River Bottomland Forests to Recover from the 1993 Flood?

HENDERSON, D., K. SCHULZ, M. BRODNICKI, J. ROCKS, C. DEUTSCH, C. JONES Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville, Edwardsville, IL 62026-1651

The Flood of 1993 greatly damaged lowland forests near St. Louis, MO. Canopy composition (1997) and seedling demography (1995-1997) were examined in four stands near St. Louis. The Flood killed 20-50% of trees and 50-100% of saplings. Seedling populations show low rates of survivorship (<1% survive >1 yr.). Abnormally protracted summer floods near navigation dams are responsible for much of the seedling mortality. The reduction in sapling density and the lack of seedling success predispose these stands toward continuing reductions in canopy cover. Modification of water management practices near dams are key to maintaining forest cover.

HTML-Version made 7. July 1999 by Kurt Stüber