ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 3596
Poster No. = 1480


Martin J. Lechowicz, McGill University, Montréal, Qc, CANADA

Functionally interdependent traits often show consistent correlations across taxa. Two related questions about these broad patterns of plant organization are of interest. Why do r species have higher or lower values in a set of functionally linked traits? What can account for deviations from the general pattern in a particular species? The answers to the 1st question lie in some combination of adaptive adjustments to environment set against characteristics fixed in the evolutionary lineage of a given species. The answers to the 2nd question lie in compromises arising through interactions among traits at the level of the plant as a whole, as opposed to just a particular pair of traits considered in isolation. I explore these aspects of the evolutionary ecology of plants using data on a broad range of tree species.

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