ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 3183
Poster No. = 565


K. Oginuma1, Y. Kono2 and H. Tobe2. 1Fac. Human Life & Environ. Sci., Kochi Women's Univ., Kochi, Japan. 2Fac. Integrated Human Studies, Kyoto Univ., Kyoto

Vateriopsis, a monotypic genus endemic to Seychell, is uncertain with respect to its evolutionary position in Dipterocarpaceae. The genus is studied embryologically for the first time and compared to other genera like Dipterocarpus, Hopea, Shorea and Vateria. Vateriopsis agrees with the four genera in many characters, but critical comparisons indicate that the genus resembles Dipterocarpus rather than the three other genera in having the micropyle formed by both the inner and outer integument and a conspicuously enlarged chalaza with ample vascular tissues. Since molecular and cytological evidence suggests a rather basal position for Dipterocarpus, Vateriposis is also likely to be positioned basally although its exact relationship to Dipterocarpus is uncertain.

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