ibclogo XVI International Botanical Congess

Abstract Number: 3080
Poster No. = 167


DUNCAN RUSSELL A, WHITE JF, SULLIVAN R, PATEL R.Department of Plant Pathology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, 08901

Claviceps species are known to infect a wide variety of grass species world wide. A great deal of research has been conducted on alkaloids that derive from species of Claviceps. These alkaloids have been suggested to play a role in the defense against herbivory of the sclerotia. Preliminary studies have suggested that sclerotia of Claviceps purpurea from the aquatic Spartina species may be adapted for dissemination by floatation in water. To further examine adaptive features of sclerotia, several collections of Claviceps sclerotia were examined to identify adaptations that may relate to survival or dissemination. Features such as sclerotia shape, size, color, surface texture, density, tissue and chemical composition may affect the ability of sclerotia to survive and disseminate in nature.

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